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Blargh - The Random Thread


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There are tons of movies that have come out that are part of a series that I haven't gotten around to finish seeing.... Haven't seen the 3rd part of "Matrix"... or the last "Alien" (I think it's number 4) or the 3rd part of "Terminator" sooooo... off I go to watch one of them...."I'll be back." :D




BTW: OMG 1 more day!!!!


Edited by Aoi Inu
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Mii: "Now you listen to me , 500 pages! Not 5! 500! I need them now!"


Shigure: "Yes , yes , of course... but first can you do something for me?"


Mii: "Huh?"


Shigure: "I just need one little thing, could you hold your hands out for me? Once I see that I'll be able to write, no problem!"


Mii: "Is that a fact?"


Shigure: * Shigure shakes his head* "Umhmm"


*Mii holds her hands out*


Shigure: "Now tilt your head down a bit. "


*Mii tilts her head down*


Shigure: *Shigure calls out* "Donations for the poor begger girl! "



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ok, that was pretty funny.




"We can change tactics when we need to, but we never change our beliefs," Mr. Bush said.


Mr. Kerry declared that Mr. Bush's certainty had undercut his performance as president.


"It's one thing to be certain, but you can be certain and you can be wrong," he said, adding, "Certainty sometimes gets you into trouble."


At one point, Mr. Bush said that he had gone to war in Iraq because "the enemy attacked us, Jim, and I have a solemn duty to protect the American people, to do everything I can to protect us."


A moment later, Mr. Kerry said: "The president just said something extraordinarily revealing and, frankly, very important in this debate. In answer to your question about Iraq and sending people into Iraq, he just said the enemy attacked us. Saddam Hussein didn't attack us. Osama bin Laden attacked us. Al Qaeda attacked us."


"I believe in being strong and resolute and determined, and I will hunt down and kill the terrorists wherever they are," Mr. Kerry said.


Addressing the moderator, Jim Lehrer of PBS, he said: "But we also have to be smart, Jim. And smart means not diverting your attention from the real war on terror in Afghanistan against Osama bin Laden and taking it off to Iraq, where the 9/11 commission confirms there was no connection to 9/11 itself and Saddam Hussein. And where the reason for going to war was weapons of mass destruction, not the removal of Saddam Hussein."


....Citing the fugitive terrorist leader behind the September 11 attacks, al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, Kerry said, "Unfortunately he escaped in the mountains of Tora Bora. We had him surrounded. But we didn't use American forces -- the best trained in the world -- to go kill him. The president relied on Afghan warlords -- and he out-sourced that job too. That's wrong."


He said, "This president has made, I regret to say, a colossal error of judgment, and judgment is what we look for in the president of the United States of America.


"For two years, this administration didn't talk at all to North Korea,'' he said, adding: "Today there are four to seven nuclear weapons in the hands of North Korea. That happened on this president's watch. "


On the Sudan, Mr. Kerry strongly suggested he was prepared to send United States forces in to end the killing. "I'll tell you this: As president, if it took American forces to some degree to coalesce the African Union, I'd be prepared to do it, because we could never allow another Rwanda. It's a moral responsibility for us in the world."


Kerry, you magnificent bastard. You keep up that kinda talk in the next debate, and ill whore out my 3rd party principles this round, just because you said what i wanted to hear, whether you meant it or not.

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