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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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I mashed up 5 tablets (7.4mg dihydrocodeine 500mg paracetemol) using a tumbler and a vodka shot glass as a makeshift pestle and mortar. There was a proper one in the kitchen, but there was someone out there and I didn't fancy explaining what I was up to.





Then I mixed it up with 20 ml warm tap water. It was a ruddy thick paste so I added another 5 ml.





I then popped to the shop and picked up four bottles of Corona for £3.99. No lime though, I'm sweet enough! Heh heh, wanker. That took about 20 minutes, and when I got back it had cooled to room temperature and begun to separate.





Firstly I passed it through a linen/cotton tea towel (clean of course), which took about five minutes. What was left was a thick, white paste similar to a young boy's ejaculate.





Tea towel connoisseurs may recognise this particular towel as this one.





I then passed it through a coffee filter in a funnel. It's a small chutney jar, as I'm sure you've noticed. I use it to store safety pins in, and I say that without shame.





This is what was left afterwards. I gave the filter a squeeze to get out the last drops, just to make sure I got all the codeine out like a proper smackhead.





Fresh from 30 minutes in the freezer with my Coronas.





Through one more filter and then into the glass and ready to drink. Note the koala.





It tasted bitter, chalky and basically exactly what you'd expect mashed-up tablets to taste like, so I added a bit of Iron Bru and necked it. That was 15 minutes ago and I'm just starting to feel a mild effect, pretty much what I'd normally get with a 30-35 mg amount.


I've read easier, quicker ways of filtering out the paracetemol, but I thought I'd do a more thorough job and keep my liver intact.


Needless to say I'll have the last laugh.

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