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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Ron Moore’s re-imagined Battlestar Galactica was great show until the final episode, but still we wish for the original don’t we?


As it turns out Richard Hatch (the original Apollo) tried in 1999 to get a new SG series on the air that would maintain the original 1978 show’s canon and history.


He apparently had 30 minutes of final footage which has never been shown publicly. But there is also a 4 minute trailer that give us a taste of the greatness that it could have been.


Many of the original BSG actors are in this and the SFX aren’t too bad either. I wish that Hatch would release the final 30 minutes, I’d pay to see it and I’d bet millions of other fans would too.


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“I feel that the time has come to project my own inadequacies and dissatisfactions into the sociopolitical and scientific schemes. Let my own lack of voice be heard.”


“I’d rather be a gear in a big deterministic physical machine than just some random swerving.”


enough time goes by, and i feel mentally worn out from all the small talk and arbitrary social graces we do with co-workers & such that im so tired of listening to people talk about nothing, that i just want to take a few shots, listen to some jazz and hear someone talk about something. even if it's wrong or something i disagree with, the very notion of someone talking past the people magazine bullshit that is their daily life can be so goddamn satisfying.

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