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Little Nemo McFly

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Little Nemo McFly

  1. ^ That first Season is the hump - everything jumps in quality and 'maturity' as the Seasons roll. Visuals / Animation / Writing / themes - it's a solid Cartoon Network show. I wanna say underrated - but if you've sat through a session of Clone Wars - chances are ya ain't gonna hate it.
  2. Odyssey is a good game. Where would you say the majority of your Odyssey experience took place on? Handheld or docked? Pro Controller? Joycon hybrid? Gamecube controller? You compelled to go for 100%?
  3. Sucks they couldn't keep the monsters' colors game-accurate (brown / green / blue) I get how George could be compared to King Kong - but...it's fucking Rampage. Get over it. Feeling less n' less hopeful for my fan-fiction realized. I think like, how 'The Expendables' brought together a bunch of action-heroes together - I would've liked a ton of hyped action-hero cameos n' them being flattened seconds after their appearance. Basically, a tone similar to Mars Attacks. A giant, fun destruction-porn spoof...
  4. Totally jelly Hulu is exclusively getting this... As far as the original cast - I'm sure they'd bend over backward to get as much as the original cast involved. I am pumped as hell to see what direction they're gonna take this - animation / design-wise. They could play so much w/ the Warners being from another era...I hope expense goes into premise - and we're not getting sum..'thing' just for modern audiences (11 year-olds)
  5. Yeah - in my last play session - I couldn't beat it. Spent a couple o' hours on it. LOL - it totally jumps in difficulty.
  6. Thought I'd stick this here - as this is the character the MCU has been building up to.
  7. ^ (btw, Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 is up right now on Netflix) Right now, I'm doing: Much to my surprise - the show has been given an HD remaster! The show was shot entirely on film and in widescreen! They re-scanned all the negatives and it looks great...none of that cropping of the image to make it 'look' widescreen. Pre-tty cooool.
  8. No freakin' lie - I've coincidentally been replaying Super Mario Land 2 on the 3DS this past week. (Virtual Console) I was just thinking - where is the love for this game? I used to play SML2 to...death...in the day. Could speedrun it in my sleep. Everytime I see Wario in something new - I always remember the 6 Golden Coins. I love the music in this game - the aesthetic...I just love this game - LOL! I've always wished they brought back the bunny ears...or had more SML2 references. I guess Wario, himself - is this game's most glaring legacy. Don't know cpu stuff - but hopefully I'll con-jigger a way to get this ROM and stick it in my Raspberry. (...wait, that sounds wrong) ...get this ROM and put it in my Pi.
  9. Duuude - I LOVE the Movie Version. If that game was part of that upcoming 30th Anniversary Collection-thing - it'd prolly be the version I'd play the most. LOL - insane, I know - but I love that rotoscoped / photo-look (MK). I thought it was doubly sick that they got the actors to duplicate the SFII game sprites...frame-by-frame - it still blows my mind. I don't know why it got so much shit in the day. I was playing it the other day (Arcade)...perfectly functional. I always can't help but lose to Cammy. I always get distracted by those...sprites. LOL! Get outta my head, girl!
  10. (squints) Is that Sarah Conner from Genesys?! It looks like fan art...Han and Chewie look like they have different image sources. Oh my god, I'm so fascinated by this movie - for all the wrong reasons. LOL
  11. I got this flick on blu on Black Friday - I've seen it about 6 times since...like, 3 back-to-back. Did all the bonus features n' stuff. I don't hate it - there's good stuff in there, but 'the mystery angle' that worked for me in Prometheus, doesn't work here. The flick needed real answers, more than just...passing lines of dialogue that filled the (prolly the most interesting / intriguing mystery ) gap between Prometheus and this sequel. Covenant needed an IP shattering / redefining revelation. I'm curious as hell how Disney is gonna handle these action-heavy / iconic blood-gore fests...'specially knowing that their target audience is an older crowd. These big-budget / blockbuster IPs can't afford to be original / 'not loved by everyone'. Kinda afraid of how cookie-cutter the future is gonna be...everything's gotta be bigger and louder than the last. W/ action/horror...I see a point where it's just -
  12. Thanks, dude! I can't stop staring at it...it's still just sitting there - LOL! I don't know where it's finally gonna be 'put' - but...every time I walk by it... Oh my goodness - I just got taken back to the Onslaught Saga / era. BAM - animated movie right there.
  13. ^ Don't know this IP - but this game looks pretty awesome.
  14. ^ Madness. Nintendo would bank so hard if they remade the DKC Trilogy like this. Now I'm seeing HD remasters of DKC Returns and Tropical Freeze hitting the Switch.
  15. Yeah, Iron Man was hideous...LOL I was shocked, even back then. Those 'Hulk vs' are great. I was hopeful for more comic / story adaptions when 'Planet Hulk' became a thing. Epicness of epicness would be an animated 80s Secret Wars movie... It's to the point where, you blink - and DC has dropped 3 new animated features on the shelf - LOL! Crazy. I know Marvel still does sum animated feature stuff - I've seen stuff on Netflix (like, Black Widow? Punisher?) Nothing really 'Holy Shit!' Hopefully, w/ 'Into the Spider-verse' - Marvel will see the full potential of the animated feature front.
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