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Little Nemo McFly

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Little Nemo McFly

  1. ^ Picked up all the 1930s 'Weird Tales' Conan stories - these 'Del Rey' Editions (3 Collections) are the first time the original Howard stories have ever been released unabridged n' unaltered. Bunch of bonus material: notes, drafts, maps...in-universe world backstory - 4 posthumous stories and a few 'unfinished' ones. Mega-bonus: sweet-ass art - accompanying the stories. Also gotz me sum... HEEEELL YEEEAH!!! ^ un-freakin-realz
  2. They run an hour block of Night Court twice a day over here. I totally watch. Still holds up. Yeah, dude was a legit magician - been watching Cheers on Netflix (HD remasters...looks fucking great), no idea he was in there, either! 'It' has a special place in my heart. I'll prolly always associate him most w/ the Losers Club. RIP - Richie
  3. It's all just...eye candy. I got numb to all the action halfway through. Still want a JP w/ all accurate dinos - and that magic of the first one.
  4. Yeah, I could see the writers n' actors (Winters n' Reeves) all sitting in a room and pitching insane ideas on how to 'muck up' the perfect ending (Bogus Journey's ending)...rolling on the floor laughing then abruptly, "No. We can't do that." I think the only constant through out the years, as far as a sequel - was: they're old and the perfect song that 'fixes' all the world's ills...hasn't been written yet...and it should have been. So many ways it can go from there. I hope it's a fun ride w/ awesome tunes, fx n' laughs.
  5. ^ I'll watch in the theater if the whole flick is like this.
  6. Awww - hey! I wasn't on yesterday - but, if I knew it was ur birfday - I totally would've wished you a 'Happy Mutation Day!' Pretty sure I wished you one last year - I should get points for that! ;) If you makes you feel any better - no one has ever wished me a Happy Birthday on here. I'm taking notes, people! I'm normally on here at least once a day, too - been super insanely distracted these past 2 months. Got a gig as a performer at the Puppet Museum over here - rubbing elbows (literally) w/ freakin' LEGENDS! Been absorbed in rehearsing n' building...all hours of the day / night. I just like, hang out there - all the time now - LOL Got my first show in May. Super puuuumped! I'm just now getting back into 'settled' and getting comfty enough to get back into the Hondo zone...of opine-ing!
  7. LOL - sounds like they cast Tor Johnson as Eddie Brock. I've only ever seen this dude in Mad Max...well, I guess also that one time as Bane in that awful Dark Knight sequel? Dude feels hooorribly miscast in this. Maybe it was pitched to him as something else - it was prolly originally a bit more 'horror'...but this is 90s...for everyone...Spawn-movie-derpy. I blame the 'success' of Homecoming. (blech) All I ever wanted was "We are...Venom!" I got it - and it was, 'eh'. It doesn't even look good. This feels both 20 years too late....and rushed.
  8. PS4, huh? Yeah, man - that's...pretty cool. Be right back.
  9. Mega Man freak over here - played n' beat 'em all. 100%-ed (all Achievements) 9 n' 10...those were evil tough - and that's how I like 'em. I'm all for Challenge Modes n' Online Leaderboards. I like me a solid, old school, challenging platformer - Mega Man is that category. If you suck at platformers - these games will make you cry. Don't think they're gonna have that hand-holding 'Rewind Feature' that the 'Disney Afternoon Collection' had. Awesome as all hell that the entire Classic and X Series are coming to Switch - and as physical media. Like that Street Fighter-thing...these Collections are looking to be 'Definitive'. Curious about price...$40 sounds fair, considering all the extras.
  10. Wait - - Panch, did you upgrade? This shit ain't coming to PS3... ...did you upgrade...?
  11. Nyargh - bullshit that you can't stop your swing when you slam into a building. "We didn't want to stop the player - or have 'em face plant into a building... ...when you slam into a building - you'll just keep running up it." I'd rather stop / hold a swing when I hit a building - than just automatically run up it. I remember in other games, having to hit / hold a button - if you wanna trigger running up or the side of a building. Auto-run when you slam into a building? Nah...much more rewarding when you nail those button combos. Awesome legit web swinging w/ legit web anchoring. It's all cool n' slick - w/ that automatic parkour stuff w/ signs n' such and auto path-charting like ASM2s mechanics (the last game). Most impressive. I can only pray this eventually comes to Switch.
  12. Fuck. YES. I think the 'absurdity of it all' works in this universe's favor. If handled by people who understand / appreciate the IP - it could be... This has got such a 'hell yes' from me.
  13. '...using footage from the films' ? This'll be a spin-off series of the WB version? Eeeh...not so excited no mo'. "Shun."
  14. Yeah, it's totally unimaginative to just do 'Rebels vs Nazis' again. I mean, fuck - it's 30 years later and we're literally still doing the same 'Stormtroopers vs Rebels'...? LOL - w/ the Emperor and Vader neatly right back in place? C'mooon - LOL - it would've been infinitely more imaginative to build on the 'victory' of the OT...and set up something different. Setting, players, stakes...not necessarily what the EU did, but something different! Good lawd! LOL - to Lucas' credit - the Prequel Trilogy wasn't just a rehash of the same shit. Horrendously executed - I'm sure heavily motivated by potential toy sales - but, I dug the original sandbox he created. What Disney ended up doing - and their approach to the Sequel Trilogy...is pretty damn disappointing... ^ (sigh) TLJ murdered Disney's Trilogy for me. I didn't like TFA to begin w/, but I gave it a pass - saving judgement on the concept of the Trilogy for this flick / Luke's part in all this bidness. At the end of TLJ - I didn't care where the hollow story went and found the over-the-top humor out of place and off-putting. People loved it - that's how they like their movies...whuuuteva - don't bother me in the least people loved it...casual n' 'hardcore' alike, I know really liked it. What's funny is tons of people on the net 'triggered' by 'entitled fans' bitching that they didn't like this or that - because...they wanted this or that. That's an interesting component I don't remember being around w/ the Prequels. (shrugs) I think people are gonna hafta keep those cups handy to keep up w/ those Last Jedi tears...LOL Prediction: 'Last Jedi' is gonna be a steady source of salt for a long, long time. I get people don't appreciate or hold up the OT as much as me - or other freaks out there - but, the fact is - truly, that (Original) Trilogy of films is special to people. The characters...themes...victories...mean something to people. People can find legit inspiration / escape in the oddest places. Reminds me of the madness of the impending TPM - I mean, Star Wars is fucking sacred to people. It's fascinating how passionate this one single Episode has gotten people: Either you hated it - or absolutely loved it...or just can't stand fans who 'whine' about perceived 'problems' / 'direction' w/ the movie / Trilogy - which was all 'already stupid to begin with'. All... ...I passionately love Star Wars. For me, Disney done fucking squandered giant assets they had on a platter - Ghostbusters Reboot-style: having the original cast all back together - and then just...utterly misuse 'em. Painful. Coupled w/ an uninspired setting and stakes... Lucas-era < Disney-era
  15. The first trailer had me at 'maaaybe' it could work - but, I'll Redbox. This new trailer has me now at a big-ass 'heeell no'. LOL - I'll still be 'Redbox'-ing - to see what they do w/ Star Wars' 'Underworld' - by far the most interesting thing this movie has going for it (design)...but, this is too much of a 'dumb-fun romp' for the Solo I love. (shrugs) This is totally Guardians. This could've been a spin-off film /series called 'Rendar'. Cut off Chewie and the Falcon (maybe cameo) - this dude / character could've totally been Dash...and this flick launch his own clean-slate, no-strings-attached series. I'd be down w/ Star Wars Guardians starring Dash Rendar. Outriiiideeeer...
  16. That's pretty much where the EU went post-ROTJ. Yeah - a new 'conflict' / 'warring players' would've been nice w/ the Sequel Trilogy. I LOVED the 'Jedi' vs 'Robots' stage (and both sides being manipulated) of the Prequel Trilogy - and the 'Rebels' vs 'Nazis' of the Original Trilogy. The Sequel Trilogy stage is...it just feels uninspired and fucking lazy. It's insane that Abrams and Kasdan got together - spent the time...and what they came up w/ was LITERALLY: remake 'A New Hope' / the OT stage...and let the next directors figure out...somewhere...something to do w/ it. It's such a damn shame. It really is a jarring jump after RoTJ. Two movies into the Sequel Trilogy - and it still has you asking: sooo wait - what happened after the Empire was defeated? How are they back? Was there peace? Hold on - what did our heroes actually accomplish in the OT? Why is it 30 years later...and still - it's 'Rebels' vs 'Nazis'? 30 freakin' years? Am I really supposed to believe, creatively: "there's nothing else you can do w/ Star Wars"? ...I guess you can ruin Luke...
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