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Little Nemo McFly

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Little Nemo McFly

  1. Will do! LOL - yeah - like, 'Where the hell did this game come from?!' At first, I thought it was a fan-thing - but, after the trailer...hoo-boy...downloading tonite. Has anybody heard of - or even have this? I could've sworn I heard something 'bout this here...
  2. I'm currently working on a bit on Maniac Mansion - in a online research session, I noticed the word 'Thimbleweed' being referenced A LOT. I think I may have caught a blurb on this game here awhile back - LOL - but, I have nooo idea how this game's release went by under my radar: 'specially being billed as the spiritual successor to 'Maniac and Monkey'! Came out in Sept - and it's on Switch! I've read they actually did exclusive 'Special Edition' physical releases for this game. Seeing how 'Grim, DOTT and the Monkey HD games' never got the 'en masse' physical release treatment - I wouldn't bet on waiting for a 'cartridge / disc' version. I'll just hafta take this digital. 'Lucasarts HD Collection Boxset' would be bought in second.
  3. LOL - I've always felt Billy Mitchell was kinda shady. Maybe he had a legit score once upon a time, but - maybe, trying to maintain that 'top of the pack' status - really, for him, became his identity. Trying to 'keep' that...I could totally see him doing whatever it takes to keep being considered 'the best'. I was 'the best' at Earthworm Jim for a time on Xbox Live - I've been subsequently 'beat' - but I'm happy enough w/ being 'at one point, I was...' Billy should accept and enjoy - 'at one point'. Someone is always gonna try and top 'the best'...and will.
  4. Available Tuesday - February 13, 2018 - for $39.99 Lookin' like it comes w/ bonus swag!
  5. ...I don't have Amazon. Hopefully, it'll b good - and hit blu.
  6. ^ Think that sums me up, too. Flick doesn't look at all like the vibe that one publicity shot gave off... Really looking forward to a Boba Fett film, now - if it means more Star Wars underworld stuff. This is a rental, tho - if I can handle multiple viewings...I'd get this on blu. Really digging the Star Wars underworld visuals / aesthetic. This could fall into the category of Rogue One: who cares about the Death Star plans / who cares how Han got the Falcon - but if it's a different kind of 'Star Wars film' (Rogue One was a war movie) - this could be kewl. It's not looking like Guardians...so far - LOL Ford is Solo, tho - that shit is distracting.
  7. Still a waaays to go. The Switch is going to explode in Sept. if Smash is that online 'launch' title...even if just a port. (I'd prefer an all-new Smash on Switch. Hyrule Warriors Online would've been great...but, hey.)
  8. Whaaaaa...?! A live-action Pokemon movie? I could be into this - for the 'humans interacting w/ cartoon characters' visuals...and Nintendo's (holy shit!) long-due return to the features department. My Poke-love doesn't go much farther than the first game - love those original 100-or-so 'lil critters...I fell off the Poke-wagon real fast. Really interested in seeing some visuals. Is Rhyme City a place from the games or is this a whole new locale? Wow - I'm super-freaking interested in this now.
  9. I think this would be where to post something like this? Mort Walker passed away on Saturday. 94 years young. I just went off the other day on how this dude affected me in my 'impressionable' years. (gulp) An icon of the 'comic strip' - he was the creator of Beetle Bailey - and founder of the International Museum of Cartoon and Comic Art. Passionate and fuckin' driven' - totally had an impact on me. "Be passionate. Do what you love. Being able to make a living of out that? That's a bonus." RIP - Mr. Mort Not forgotten.
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