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Everything posted by Jables

  1. goddamnit that was the message of the lost Marie post. An indictment on their complete failure as parents
  2. That creepy little Harry looks straight off of Romita's pen. Shame they couldn't work the cornrows in. Also, Jamie Foxx may have blue himself but this is all I see <a href="http://imgur.com/tRG7IlP"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/tRG7IlP.jpg" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a>
  3. Couldn't agree more. Just when you thought >spoiler< had used up all her 'amazing fucking woman' moments. Also:
  4. <a href="http://imgur.com/L5lttXL"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/L5lttXL.jpg" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a>
  5. Re spoiler'd Let's say you're dealing with someone who's sat on the first, obviously seen the second and hasn't been able to watch all of the third without getting crazy bored: Will Oblivion offer something new? Re the OST- Fuck all y'all I'm going home.
  6. T-Dawg was pretty fucking obnoxious, and yes I'm setting aside the blazing resentment that he wasn't Tyreese and assessing him purely on his own merit. Did anyone else see and possibly shack my last post here about rewatching the series and what a sterling cunt Marie is? That was one of my finest fucking moments and admittedly all you guys would have read was blahblahcuntblahsomething I'm a little disappointed that it either took place in my own head or simply didn't hit 'post' the requisite number of times. Anyway, on Season 5 of my rewatch and Marie is still just the worst fucking thing to take up real estate on a TV screen. Ross makes a fine advocacy for Skylar, but by the same token some actions were needlessly cuntish. Marie though. My fucking god Marie. The worst.
  7. I think ankle pouches are pretty practical for a guy who spends most of his day bent that way.
  8. NZA- Powers got Robert Patric and a pilot(it'll be satisfied when it gets a Starbuck). Star- I haven't brought myself to rea the book, but the movie is one of the most depressing things I ever saw. The Trumbo novel sits there on my shelf, daring me to pick it up. On Torso though, it's based on a true story and is more or less anagolous to Jack The Ripper except they totally fucking know who the torso killer was.
  9. Yeah I'm just seeing it now(for the first time). I'm thinking of a different rant from a similar character in a similar setting from a few eps ago.
  10. Are you the Starburns of your college?
  11. They're ritual killings you fuck. And the Cleveland Torso Murders is what i go on and on about whenever i get the chance.
  12. Maybe you just need to date cooler blokes. If it's a girl you're just setting a certain level of expectation, saving an awkward conversation and possible rape charge
  13. The user apparently has it in for non-'Murrcans. Them folks is Yoo-roh-peeeann. They probly only watch that sextube anyway. Fuckin' perverts. I think i know the ep anyway. I'll just go dig it up.
  14. Finally a more accessible frame of reference for strangers when i go on about this shit
  15. Well that and there was a lot less activity between 98 & 05 in terms of comic movies.
  16. Lemme know how you like it man. We misunderstood lepers gotta stick together.
  17. Trance Danny Boyle(28 Days Later, Trainspotting, Slumdog etc) does a heist flick to amazing effect. I had no reservations going in because the man is brilliant, and payoff was 110%. For those still not convinced, there's also Rosario Dawson Full Frontal.
  18. You're morons for not seeing this for Logan sooner. In addition to me saying it for years
  19. Jumbie's first list reflects a lot of what I would have suggested. And while Death of was utter shit bordering on purile, I concur 100% on Return being such a great story that drew on loose threads from wherever prior. Not to mention, christ it set up one of Green Lantern's most important arcs too. What more could you want? Main reason I've read so many of these arcs was in the beginning the only comics I had access to were the public library. Edit to add: Another great byproduct of Return/Funeral for a Friend was the best accounting of the imprint a being like Superman leaves on the city . Maybe if they'd given Bibbo top billing as a potential Superman over Steel or Superboy you guys would be more forgiving. Those fucks never saved a sack of drowning puppies.
  20. Jables


    Now that I'm on a Windows Phone and Android content is a novelty again, my interest is renewed. Obviously once they iron out the kinks. Plus even if they don't retail in AU, postage won't be a killer.
  21. Dave Johnson is one of my favourite artists in the medium. The plan is to either jack one of his 100 Bullets covers for ink or if possible commission a design. My point being that Red Son's the least of what he can do. My initial point is no less valid either. Your argument is valid and well-structured, there just aren't many who'll fight you on this.
  22. <a href="http://imgur.com/WQwujGa"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/WQwujGa.png" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a> Powers: Bureau. Another successful reinvention of a book that is almost too diverse for it's theoretical limitations. Obviously it's not a book for everyone since I'm the only person keeping up with it but Volume 4(?) has really shaken up the status quo as this book keeps moving from strength to strength. Admittedly the last 11 issues fell a little flat compared to the rest of the series, but the new book looks to be taking things in an interesting new direction. For those who haven't read and are thinking of hitching on now below are a list of key events broken down by volume(there was prose but I decided I'd sooner not be henpecked by you cunts). Volume 1: Who Killed Retro Girl through to Ape Rape Volume 2: Damnit, Deena. This is a lot wordier than I intended so apologies in advance if you for whatever reason felt compelled to read through that.
  23. Jumbie, I apologise for being thoroughly intimidated by that massive post and will get through it all before i die or the internet it replaced with telepathic networking. Reading Nick and co sample and retort gives me enough insight on your motive to say: you're probably right. I loved the book personally but being honest 90% of the appeal is Batman in that winter hat that I love(called a Ushanka apparently). Clearly you've put a lot more thought into this than anyone directly involved with this book did so apologies for that too.
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