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Everything posted by Jables

  1. Jables


    If that fella's talking about trying to reason with a bunch of commie fanboys who think the industry should cowtow to them, I share his frustration. twitter that yeh cunts
  2. Jables


    I don't see how your thing matches to my thing. Are you middle to upper class suburban? Honestly, not to be a dick but I don't know how I can be clearer but it's like these words are just bouncing off your primate skulls because you somehow can't relate to the scenario that I'm presenting OR that MS are pitching to. Go on being ignorant though. In 6 months when you get the point I'll be waiting with a participation ribbon for you all. And ASC- Snaps you Irish devil!
  3. Jables


    K. I forgot that I'm among a community of single men or the lucky ones with some degree of nerd girlfriends. You my friends are still the minority. In the real world girlfriends and wives know absolutely nothing about region locking or trading games and yadda yadda. Again, middle to upper-class grown gamers rarely trade, at least in this country and when they do it's a bulk slough off. They have 9-5 jobs to simply purchase the things they want and don't scour forums and websites looking for the best deal or trade deals. This is entirely evident in Microsoft's pitch, here. We'll see how the numbers play out, but the fringe gaming community is having a completely different conversation about these devices than the more core gamers are, and what sense otherwise do you make of what Microsoft's doing? I mean you can talk all the shit you want about how Sony beat their arses bloody at E3, but god forbid I break up the circle jerk to simply illuminate the logic behind their pitch.
  4. Your invocation of Goodfellas & Casino intrigue me. Aside from vintage mobster, how does this compare to something Scorcese's done?
  5. At the rate they're dropping tv spots and trailers I've gone on lockdown and refuse to watch another minute until the film is released. Based on what I've seen and heard I'm sceptical but hope for at least a couple of good, nerdy moments.
  6. Is anyone else reading All New X-men(Original five in modern tiemz) and struck by how progressive but foul-mouthed the original five x-men were? Aside from Bendis' lazy approach to dialogue it's a decent book. I look forward to seeing where they take it.
  7. Jables


    You're a stupid fucking analogy. And my response to that is the N-Gage, You smelly little cunt. To the matter at hand though- I reckon their move here is 'growing with the consumer'. Think about it- the man-children with jerbs who buy most of this stuff are getting married and settling down. Man-caves and nerd shacks are being encroached on across the world to make way for nurseries and guest rooms(anecdotal) and so this device becomes a 'house item'. Hell, the pushing of Family gold subs shows that they're acknowledging the theoretical growth of it's existing fanbase and moving with the times. And you're naive if you think your every move isn't tracked and analysed anyway, between continued efforts to digitise currency, CCTV and the goddamned internet. I think someone mentioned the Freedom of Information act or similar earlier? Yup, any privacy you have is completely illusory. Microsoft are simply giving you a fourth wall to break, here. Again to disclaim: I'm not behind any of this bullshit, I just figure while you're mas'ing to your gifs and just talking some absolute shit a devil's advocate not on the MS payroll might be heard.
  8. I've played the shit out of Crimson Dragon on my WP, best sideways shooter since Raiden.
  9. Jables


    More folks would be but they're probably not buying an x-bone anyway.
  10. Jables


    Not that I'm barracking for the Xbone or their terrible PR people, but his point is valid. The minimum requirements for tech tools like this change, and folks who don't keep up are indeed free to enjoy the 360- though it IS fucked up that support for the old system and all content will eventually be cut off. I know their job is to sugarcoat so clearly they have to find better spin people, but in no way do I condemn his sentiment, and i think it's naive to do so. Sony's managed to produce a good console working with the insular community that plays it. XBone/ the CODsole was made for bro gamers who spend stupid fistfuls of cash on MP pakcs, live subs and such.
  11. Sold. Preordering payday. I'm pretty blown away by how affordable next gen is.
  12. Jables


    My assertion is that Killer Instinct Gold was an inferior sequel, but I'm willing to concede a lot of that to the 64 controller being horrible for fighters. And Newt- I guess it's be exclusive to XBLA then. I just figure something that big couldn't possibly remain exclusive.
  13. Did anyone else see the poll on Facebook where Deep Silver were asking what people would pay for in a no-holds-barred super-edition? I know I checked at least two of those boxes(replica weapon & Johnny Gat Statue).
  14. Jables


    Would you trust anyone to remake Killer Instinct? Not i. Best case for me is they polish up the existing code, leave the OST, characters and moves as they were and make that available for purchase and I will pay whatever price. Hell, I paid AU$360 for the first in a SNES bundle.
  15. Didn't realise this to be the case though it makes sense when they all but segued straight into it from 3, having said that though SR3 was a decently-sized game and the DLC content was suitably impressive. Another add-on would've been overkill IMO, and playing as the president of the US is going to allow for a lot of unique missions, hopefully in the same humour vein(read: puple and veiny) as the last two. What's great for me is, they're carrying on with the superpowers bit from the Trouble with Clones DLC. I was inconsolable when I realised I couldn't access that super-energy drink ability outside of the mission pack. Oh, and now that's i've seen the dubstep gun in action this is preordered
  16. Jables


    KI Gold was no Killer Instinct, and that's the best case I can make against a 2013-beyond KI reimagining.. The best I can hope for is an upscaled XBLA/PS rerelease and i'll leave any surplus male babies I have if they leave my teenaged nostalgia alone.
  17. Someone should screencap postcount & +/- data for posterity, right as the hammer comes down.
  18. ANd it's the grail these days, man. Like you said- the opportunities get rarer. And you got a helluva bargain
  19. Yeah that's a legit haul man. Was the seller a clueless mum or is your economy that fucked that $40 equates to the $200+ you'd expect to shell out for it's equivalent here?
  20. Try opening the image in another tab as that seems to have worked for me.
  21. I'm only two eps in so my opinion will probably change, but it feels like they're making the jokes and hell, the format more accessible to a wider audience. Seasons 1-3 from ep one to last had jokes of varying degrees of thinking or connecting info involved which for better or worse was why it didn't spin a lot of cash.. Michael's & George Sr's eps both seemed hesitant to take any risks with the jokes. But then it could also be that it's stuffed itself to the gills with cameos and relied-upon comedy relief like Seth Rogan & Kirsten Wig(who by the way just come across to me as Kirsten & Seth doing poor impressions of the Bluths). I hope the Workaholics crew pop up later, but that seemed like a wasted opportunity as well. I like the format you guys say it's taking though with a shorter timeline, so maybe it'll grow on me.
  22. Jables


    Did it give you the same example about a girl finding a severed human foot at an auction?
  23. AOA's not a thing at this point so it's be the similar transition of 'displaced visitor from sideways reality that's kinda shit right now'. Hell they could do two birds with one stone and kill Halle Berry, Nightcrawler gets all Kill Bill and jumps reality to hunt the killers. Sorry, that was just about my favourite part of Remender's Uncanny Xforce run. Sorry I'm probably overthinking this guys but multiverse stuff is kind of a kink of mine so I love to see it done right.
  24. Same, I'd sooner just see them scrap the old and build on the foundations with the new cast like they did with Spiderman( :ded: ) but since they insist on bringing in Stewart, McKellan and co instead of just ageing Mcavoy & Fassbender I'm trying to make lemonade. I mean if they're effectively showing timeline A the door by taking it to the far future and having the new cast there to see it unfold(and probably the most memorable thing about X3 was the Danger Room sequence at the start with the Sentinel so there's symmetry), then kudos because that's pretty brave considering most franchise reboots have a watchphrase of 'what prior franchise?'. What I'd love is to see Alan Cummings get himself a nice crimson tat over his left eye and jump ship to the Vaugniverse ala the AOA jump to 616. For those not reading the comics I'm talking about, following the death of 616's Kurt Wagner, Wolverine's X-force picked up a stray AOA Nightcrawler while on mission in that universe to find a lifeseed. They also brought over Blob. Dark Beast probably doesn't count seeing as he's clocked up enough multiverse frequent flyer miles to remain unsullied by Grant Morrison's tender mercy.
  25. Me, I like Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence as the perfect in-the-middle. Course I'd love to be in-the-middle of that. What could be interesting is if Wolverine comes over from timeline A(easiest frame of reference for pre-Avengers Xmen timeline which covers Wolverine: Origins through to X3(chronological ordering) where he met Charles through Rogue & Jean and the crew and carried on with them and had that awful misadventure with Weapon XI and Sabretooth was somehow the likeable one) long enough to convince Wolverine of Timeline B(First Class, hopefully the Wolverine, DOFP) to join pitch in with Xavier's crew, having told them to fuck themselves in spectacular fashion when asked to join. I guess going the Star Trek cop-out of having both timelines exist and influence each other seems the most diplomatic and logical way to draw a line in the sand between a reboot showing so much promise and an existing mythology with a lot of shitty history to try and remain faithful to. I think it's fair to say as Xmen 1(Singer) was fair at best, the Xmen Franchise pre-Vaughn was really just coasting by on the legitimacy of X2. Everything that followed was arguably awful. I hate the idea that this brilliant reboot is eventually going to work shit like Wolverine Origins & Magneto trying to turn Senator Kelly into a water wraith- because you KNOW that ain't Fassbender's style.
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