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Artist To Fuck Off In 2003


Who should be muzzled by the year's end?  

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Well folks these are the ones that dominated the billboard (for all that matters), and the radio plays them likey invented music, so pick which one you'd like to just silently retire soon.

Although I got nothin against her, around here they play miss Avi Lavigne like its the thing to do (especially her new single, it can actually be on 3 stations simultaneously, seriously). Still, she doesnt make me cringe like that fake-ass Lopez song about how real she is, back in Brooklyn or whatever, so i think she might take my vote...christ woman at least you can sometimes act worth a shit, stick with that cause your music sucks.

Oh, and the Eminem comment is because too many have jumped to conclusions on him: mark my words, i know most of you give fuck all about rap but he's the goods, freestyle and MC, he's taking on all kinds of battles - most of which he's not starting - and handling them amazingly. Like him or not, he's talented, but hey this poll's about who you want to fuck off so he's up there for ya.

PS i got nothin really against Captain Save-A-Song Ja Rule either, just dont think he's that good that he needs to be in every 3rd hip hop/R&B song these days.

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Get that Fat-assed, egotistical, fan buying, screeching cat otta here!


Seriously though, She's not a great singer, not a great actress and everything has gone straight to her head. The woman needs to go, just vanish never to be seen again, dissapear like a sinking ship under the waves, someone will check on the shipreck occasionally i'm sure.

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Every single cookie cutter, depressing lyric-ed, overly made up, one-hit-wonder, "alternative" rock band that came out in the last two years. The radio is so congested with depressing, suicidal bullshit that I've made the switch from 94.9 to 105.9 when I'm in a rock mood. Nothin' like the classics, plus, they got Howard Stern in the mornings & they play 80's hair band heavy metal from time to time!

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I think life would be just fine without Timberlake. I mean, hell, we don't even tolerate Michael Jackson in the music industry, anymore. Why do we want to support a clone?

Y'know it's odd, though. Timberlake is obviously a wannabe Michael Jackson, and yet Timberlake is already what Michael Jackson wants to be - a young white girl. It's a strange paradox, really. Oh, but the music sucks, either way.

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Let it be noted that I want J-Lo to stay popular until Jersey Girl is released. I want her popularity to help Kevin Smith at the box office.


After opening weekend, I hope the IRS takes away everything she owns, gets 5 types of cancer, she is revealed to be connected with the 911 attacks, and is public lynched on network television.


That said, even though Nelly, Britney Spears, Christina Aguillera, Ja Rule, Justin Timberlake are all truely worthy candidates, J Lo wins this poll.

Edited by Jack's Meandering Thoughts
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  • 2 weeks later...



i wouldn't mind their music at all. if i could just have a chance to listen to something else. i've heard their medicore songs more in a few months more than i've heard happy birthday in my lifetime.


oh yeah, the song hotel california should be erased from existance.

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:: pops Timmy in the back of the head ::


Now now, don't be hasty. Good song and band. Just do what I do. Never listen to the radio. Get a CD player and listen to everything at will instead of force fed. You'll amazingly get tired of nothing again.



Edited by TopDawg540
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...and never learn of new music...

Creed does get overplayed, like Nickelback, but ill give them that their songs arent bad the first few hundred times, to an extent. They do a really good cover of The Doors "Riders of the Storm" outta nowhere too, i might do a "best cover song" thread now that i think bout it.

But he's right, no cd player in the car, and miami radio can have them going on 3 stations at once easy, and i know a lotta people who wish theyd fuck off and die too...but you know Timbo you dont hear them much with your dial stuck on 93.1... ;)

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i would be perfectly fine with jennifer lopez if she would have stuck with movies. when she crossed over into the music scene i was thoroughly disgusted with the things that music industries were putting out. it no longer is about the music but rather how much sex appeal you have. quite sad.

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I thought its been about sex appeal for a while...?

Oh cmon birdy, dont do that thing - "they were good but then the went mainstream..." its ok to like things 3 other people like too...if they change their style completely when that happens, like many say of, say, Metallica then youve got a point, but dont tell me youre not likin them anymore just because they became sucessful, i give you more credit than that...

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i have nothing against bands that are mainstream... as long as they didn't change their sound to get there... i don't mean they have to sound exactly the same (which is what a lot of mainstream people who suck do... *coughcough J HO SPEAR BRITNEYcough*), if they are 'evolving' their sound so to speak, ok, but not a sound that's 'popular' so all of a sudden they become 'nu-metal' or some shit... but of course, this is all something that's not easily determined, you would really have to know the band.


j lo... bleah... :D ... voted for her, or rather, against her... if she wants to be in fluffy romance comedies with the occasional, more 'serious' thriller... :D ... uh yeah... ok fine, but when her 'music' permeates everything, jeezus, just stop.


shoot.gif 'jenny from the block'


jenny from the corner more like it... then suddenly plunged into Tiffany's and Gucci... :plain:

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Oh cmon birdy, dont do that thing - "they were good but then the went mainstream..."

first off the thing i don't like about good bands going mainstream is, as much as they say they aren't going to sell out, they do. im pretty sure there's always exceptions, but it's very rare to find a band that goes into the mainstream light and sticks to the sole purpose of their profession, music. when bands become mainstream, their not worried about actually the music or creating good music for that matter, but rather what the mass audiences want to hear, and what will get more money in their pocket, or more people to their concerts. it loses that flare that comes with underground or indie music. those in the indie or underground scene are truly in it for the music, and doing what they truly want to do because it lacks the forces of outside sources or media. when musicians do what they truly feel passionate about, you can tell through the music. with much of this mainstream shit that's coming out, it's fabricated to sound perfect, nice, soothing, and easy on the ear. then you go to a concert and realize they sound like shit, or realize they lipsynch. the mainstream can make anyone sound good. underground is raw and real, raspy voices and all. so it may not be as appealing to some of the less adapted ears, but it's real nonetheless, and that's what i like.


i'll use the band of new found glory as an example. i have their first lp that featured 'hit or miss' and it totally had the indie appeal with the guitar riffs and all. two years later when they hit it big, the song was edited as well as the rest of the c.d. and fabricated into the sound that was very popular at the time, the sort of pop-punk. yeah they sold out so that they could have the masses as well as the money that came along with it, but im still a fan of them because i enjoy their old stuff and think they are awesome live. mainstream is edited so that it is pleasing to the listener but it doesn't have the same effect as the real thing. i mean would rap be the same if all the cuss words were edited? does the "edited" version have that extra zing that the uncut version has?


i could even use the band of papa roach as an example too. they came out of vacaville and made it big, and were gonna do a concert at the place they've been doing concerts at for years. the price of the ticket was 20 bucks cause all of a sudden they are a big thing. a lot of the fans that got them to the place that they are now didn't attend just because of that fact that they came back to their home town and charged 4 times the price that they did before they became big. you would think that they would be thankful and give a free concert or a concert for the same price as before as a thank-you to all the fans that started them off. for goodness sake this is their hometown!


all in all money makes you do things you said you probably would never do. the one who would disagree would probably be the one who has yet to have the money placed in their face.

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yea we all feel strongly about sellouts/mainstream out here in nor cal, maybe because a lot of bands come out of our scene


for example, the Donnas, i was listening to the Donna's back in the 7th grade when nobody knew about them, they are from the East Bay (berkeley/sf) area, and everyone ridiculed me for listening to them, because at the time the spice girls or some shit were in,


so anyone who's listened to the donnas knows that their image is kinda cocky rock n roll chicks who drink, smoke, have sex, blah blah blah, not exactly feminist anthems, but they are a strong, cocky rock n roll band


fastfoward to 2003, what is this? the Donnas are on MTV, and all of a sudden they've cleaned up their act. no more rants and songs like "40 boys in 40 nights" about fucking guys on the road, no more "we're gonna party like cheech and chong" no! they sold out, cleaned up their image, and now are having slumber parties on the front of their album covers,


also they changed labels, for a long time they were on Lookout! records which is geared towards more indie bands.


now i believe they are on RCA or something, i mean, wtf, the donnas which i knew and loved have now fell into mainstream popstardum on trl


am i dissapointed? hell yea, because a band that i had respect for is now adored by many adolecent girls who liked justin timberlake a month ago, furrchristsakes they are in SEVENTEEN! i mean the band that was so uncool to like back when i dug them is now MAINSTREAM. it's cool they are finally making money i guess, but besides that, i'm purdy dissapointed in the donnas.

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Fair enough, youve some points but dont be so general about it.

The only indie scene ive known (miami has a good punk scene but i give fuck all about it) was my exposure to underground NY/east coast rap back in the day, a lot of it was battles, like what's seen on 8 Mile now & such.

If im following what youre saying, its not just that the underground lyrics were raw, sincere & alla that, its that any accompanyment was done in-house - on an LP there's synthesizers, girls and Puff Daddy saying "yeah, yeah bad boy in the house" in the background...im guessing thats analogous to your point, could be way off.

I dont know shit about your scene, but i know a fair amount about music. Even if youre not in it for the $ - and hey, more power to you - you generally want to be heard, want the largest audience. Dont like MTV? No shit, neither does anyone else really, but if they offer to play your shit and you really want to be heard, you'd best play along.

But before you know it, the slimy recording stuidos have signed you onto 3-album deals that give you deadlines, force certain editing, etc - its playing ball, i dont like it one bit but its part of the current system, and comparing anyone who makes it big to souless boyband trash is an unfair metaphor. Using my rap analogy, there's people like Nas who are every bit as spiritual & genuine as they were when they were no-namers in my casette walkman.

Youre right, groups should remember their hometown if that town supported them much when they were nobody. I dont argue with that.

Jazz is another perfect example. Here's a genre that hasnt been anywhere near big since @ WW II. If youre a jazz musician today - and youre not some souless fuck like Kenny G - you have a side job, or youre on the streets...pratcially no one makes money off it, unless youre a huge name like Wynton Marsalis. I appreciate the fact that its a form largely done for love of the music, but if Davis, Coltrane etc were alive today & living it up as they shouldve been, i woudlnt look down on them for getting the sucess they deserve, or shun their music because of it.

Youve got some points there, but dont be too quick to judge - I think it best to pay attention to an artist's music, not their social status.

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Even if youre not in it for the $ - and hey, more power to you - you generally want to be heard, want the largest audience.

yes, i agree with you that all bands want their music to be spread and what not but those who want to stick strictly to the music and what they're all about are not willing to compromise their music or alter it in anyway just to please the masses. so in that way those who aren't willing to compromise to become radio friendly generally stay underground, and radio friendly=mainstream.

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Yeah, certianly, and Leah's example is a good one, all im tryin to illustate is that's not necessarily the case. Yes, being on TRL and Seventeen magazine (fuck) that's pretty weak in itself but lets use, say John Mayer since Leah mentioned him in this discussion i was havin with her.

Its a shame his new albums cover up his great acoustics with too much synthesis & such but his lyrics are still what they are, despite radio play, etc. I dont know his politics and if he interviewed for 17 or whatever it wouldnt affect me, nor his music, i believe.

Take No Doubt. I think their shit sucks these days, but lots of people dont, and Im told youre still a fan of them despite massive radio play & some changes in style. That might be due to ya'lls strange territorialism with music (i can appreciate local scenes, but if youre a good artist, im not nearly as concerned with where youre coming from as where youre going), but in any event im told you like them despite the fact that accordin to some of your critieria - could be wrong here - theyd be sellout whores at the capitalist gangbang. Hell, Bob Dylan's pretty popular, even on classic rock radio stations, but i doubt youll find better lyrics in most places than his.

Who knows, you might hate my ass like Im jax after all this, i just hate hearing intelligent people say things that strike me as music eletism, clinging to "I liked so and so when they werent cool!!" and turing your back when they get popular. Now, with Leah's example of the Donnas switching it up a lot, yeah that sucks. But i still stand by the fact that not everyone does that, you oughta support whoever you like in & of themselves until they give you reason not to - hell im happy when a group i think is really fuckin good gets out there & gets the popularity/air play they deserve, so long as they still put out good music.

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if shit is good, i'll admit it's good. yeah i may very much be this anti-mainstream chick but i won't deny something praise when it's well deserved. once in a while mainstream will churn out something quite good. take incubus for example. they are exceptionally talented and i give them praise and credit for that. many of that bands that i no longer like, i do have reasons for "turning my back on them." but like i said i still like nfg even though they've become huge and changed their style because their fucking awesome in concert and their old stuff kicks total ass.


honestly when you get airplay of any kind, especially on mainstream, some kind of sacrafice for your music has to be made. there is no way they would allow some kind of raw song on the radio. the radio only plays things that are acceptable, and for some reason good music isn't considered acceptable.


((i know this is gonna sound really corny but im saying it anyways))

the blacks didn't boycott the buses because they didn't like the buses, they just didn't like what was going on inside of the buses.

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Hah...interestin analogy. Hey you may be right, ive heard similar things from Johnny Cash & many other artists about the cost off mass appeal.

I'm also gonna assume you mean "hit stations" on the radio and not local college stations.

Still, makes me sad to hear...


there is no way they would allow some kind of raw song on the radio.


..cause in their more popular times, ive head Rage Against the Machine, Wu-Tang Clan, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Marvin Gaye (Bill Withers, at that), Notorious B.I.G., (hell, i wanna say Tom Petty after seeing him live), and many other artists/groups i consider pretty raw, pretty real on the radio, but to hear them automatically discredited from that for being on the airwaves... ???

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Wait, how do you mean "edited"? Cause, yeah, the rap/Rage ones are edited for cussing, which is weak most times, and sure if its longer than Stairway to Heaven its edited for time, but im not sure what you mean beyond that...most of the names i threw out there, they had their shit played the same as the album, just some dumb DJ talkin over the last 10 seconds of it is all...

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