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Food Traditions


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Hey guys,


I'm an HM minor and am takin some food and culture classes and it's interesting to hear about food and celebrations different families have because of ethnicity and or religion.. here are a few I remember having growing up..


Every Christmas we would eat this Guyanese dish called Pepper Pot, which is a thick dark stew with meat and we would eat it with a hearty bread..


To celebrate God's request to Abraham to sacrafice his son, but instead God has him sacrafice a lamb (i believe..) There is a slaughter and generally meat is served.. (muslim holiday)


Of course, Eid, the end of fasting there is a big family celebration that my family still observes every year..


My family eats brain, not so much since they moved to this country, but they did in Guyana, also chicken feet (ew)


how bout your families food habits?

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That's pretty cool...yeah, followin the stereotype (and foods allowed/able to grow during british dominance), the irish mainly do meat & potatoes for all meals. Sheperd's pie was pretty cool, but usually the beef was cheap & chewy. You just didnt notice it after a few drinks.

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Jack's Meandering Thoughts  Today, 12:25 AM


Oh, we got the 12 grapes at midnight on New Years thing, pretty common with hispanic families.


Plus we love wine. Big winoes.


Don't forget:


Getting empty suit cases and walking around the block- luck with travel

Getting a pot of water and throwing out the front door- which means your throwing out everything thats bad.

Buying and wearing a brand new pair of red underwear.- brings good luck with money

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  • 5 years later...

I don't like black eyed peas, so this year doug found a hummus recipe made from them instead of chick peas. It was really good.


My family doesn't do turkey and stuffing for thanksgiving. We do Chinese food! Now I eat the traditional meal with dougs family, but I enjoyed all those years hanging out around the house watching the cowboys game and eating orange chicken. It was a day for me, my parents, and my brother to just enjoy each others company.

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  • 1 year later...

"American" Chop suey. Its really just macaroni and beef with tomatoes and onions :) My grandmother wasn't much in to cooking, but it was tasty.


Also, maybe Benny can confirm this--all of my New England relatives eat "Steak Tips." They're really delicious, but I think they are totally regional. I haven't seen them in a market or on a menu anywhere else in the country!


Mom is a raw vegan now, so there isn't a lot of cooking in her house any more. She taught me the secrets of her awesome roast chicken, and baked macaroni and cheese before she quit cooking/eating meat and cheese.


My dad taught me to make the best spaghetti sauce ever, as well as calamari--but I'm really the only cook in the family these days. I make all kinds of stuff though--none of it rooted in any family traditions--I think I'm developing my own. For instance while living in Tucson I actually picked up some really awesome Sonoran Mexican recipes, I developed some baking skills in Portland, and now I'm back in NY and I'm getting really good at making shit up.

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Man, I drew the short end of the stick when it comes to familial cooking. I guess this is the law of balance.


I learned two recipes from my mother:

How to make her "Tuna Casserole", which consists of egg noodles, cream of mushroom soup and the titular can of tuna all mixed together in a big bowl.

And I know how to make something called "Noodle Shit" ,which is shell noodles, ground meat and tomato sauce. Once again, all mixed together in a big bowl.

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Hmmm...well I don't really observe my families food traditions living on my own...but when I was a kid...


My grandparents (dad's side) used to make homemade tortillas and refried beans...and my grandfather used to grow his own chilis and make his own hot sauce, which my mom loved. They tended to drink large amounts of beer in the process.


My grandmother on my mom's side used to be really into Thanksgiving. She always made special homemade stuffing, pickled eggs (which my aunt eats, vomit!), and deviled eggs which were so damn awesome.


My mother for Thanksgiving and Christmas makes this amazing sweet potato dish with a topping that has coconut, brown sugar, and pecans (fucking delicious) and she makes a chocolate pie that my brothers would usually get up in the middle of the night to eat just so the other couldn't have the last piece. It's made from cool whip, dark baking chocolate and has chocolate shavings on top..oh and it has cream cheese in it too.

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Pierogies....mmmmm... :drool:


Seconded. They're like my favorite things wrapped up in a nice little package. I eat them like once a week, but I've only ever had the frozen ones from the grocery store. I bet there's a world of difference between those and ones made fresh by an actual human being.

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Don't blame me, blame Mrs. T.



Them thar pic of a Mrs. T bag...he he, teabag!



I had never eaten one in my life until I moved up here and the MIL bought Mrs. T....nom nom nom...pillowy potato goodness. But you're right -- I'm sure the handmade stuff is a thousand times better...


The other night, I had no flipping clue what to make so I grabbed some chicken and chopped it up and put it in a baking dish with some frozen pierogies and topped that with a can of diced tomatoes and a can of manwich. I baked it in the oven for like 35 minutes and it was awesome!


I've been making loads of traditional Cuban food since I moved up here mainly because I guess I miss eating it. Lord knows that when there was a Cuban restaurant on every corner, the last thing I ever wanted to eat was Cuban. Nowadays, the closest Cuban place is about 1.5 hours away in Boston and I don't know if I have enough motivation to drive that much just for a bite to eat.

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You're right that the homemade are a world different. I make mine vegan of course using egg replacer in the dough and onion, potato, and garlic as the stuffing. Sauteed in olive oil with onions, and garlic in the skillet and then seasoned with black pepper and a pinch of sea salt.

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