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  • 3 weeks later...

Crikey thats I project I cerainly cant afford at the moment! My collection is divided at the mo between 7 comic longboxes, theres a good mix of grapic novels and comics in there my highlights would be:


Graphic novels:


Crisis on Infinite Earths :love:

Identity Crisis

Infinite Crisis

Kingdom Come :love:

The Death and Return of Superman

Knightfall parts 1 & 2


The Killing Joke


Green Lantern Rebirth & The Sinestro Corps wars vol 1

Black Adam: Dark Age

52: Vol 1-4 :love:


Maximum Carnage :love:

Xcutioners Song :love:

Messiah Complex

The Onslaught Saga Vol 1

Civil War

House of M

The Birth of Venom

The Infinity Gauntlet

The mutant massacre

Thor Gods on Earth

Grant Morrisons New X-men run :love:

X-Men The Twelve




This I wont even attempt to be comprehensive with but holiding pride of place in my collection is the entire Age of Apocalypse set, the whole onslaught story arc, every issue of the astonishing X-men, New Excalibur and Captain Britain and MI13 The complete secret invasion mini series and all of the New and Mighty Avengers tie ins, loads of Image notably Rip claw and Savage dragon and the Image/Valiant crossover Deathmate


boot: Yeah Maximum carnage is like a must have, I did a bit of a double take when I saw it on the shelf of my local books store then grabbed it and almost ran to the counter! lol


  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

No pics, I apologize. I'm sure I can talk someone into coming over and taking some for me at some point.

My collection consists of 6 long boxes that I've whittled down to the cream of the crop.

This is what's on the shelf.


A1 Book 1

30 Days of Night

Acme Novelty Library: Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth HC

Akira vol. 1


Alias vol. 1

Aliens: Sacrifice

Amazing Adventures

American Splendor: The Life and Times of Harvey Pekar

Animal Man vol. 1

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

Batman: DK2

Batman: Hush 1-2

Batman: The Killing Joke

Batman: R.I.P. HC

Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? HC

Batman: Year One

Be A Nose! 3 HC Collection

The Best Comics of the Decade 1980-1990 Vol. 2

The Big Book of Hell

Blab! vol. 3

Blab! vol. 5

Blab! vol. 7-8

Blackhawk vol. 1-3

Black Hole

Black Orchid vol. 1-3

The Complete Bojeffries Saga

The Big Book of Jim

The Books of Magic

Calvin & Hobbes: Attack of the Deranged Mutant Monster Killer Snow Goons

Cerebus vol. 5-14

City of Glass

The Complete Crumb Comics vol. 5

The Complete Crumb Comics vol. 8

A Contract With God

The Cowboy Wally Show


The Crow

The Crow: Vengeance

Dancin' Nekkid with the Angels

Daredevil: Guardian Devil

Daredevil: Born Again

Daredevil: The Man Without Fear

Daredevil: Love and War

The Dark Tower vol. 1 HC

David Boring HC

Death: The High Cost of Living

Death: The Time of Your Life

The Death of Captain Marvel

Dick Tracy vol. 1-3

Dirty Plotte

The Best of Drawn and Quarterly

Dreadstar: Marvel Graphic Novel

East Texas: Tales From Behind the Pine Curtain

Elektra Lives Again

Eternals, Gaiman HC

The Everyman

Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem

The Farside: Cows of Our Planet


From Hell

Ghost World

Give Me Liberty

The Greatest Battles of the Avengers

Hard Boiled Defective Stories

Hate: The Buddy Chronicles

Hate: Fun With Buddy and Lisa

Hate: Buddy, Go Home!

Hate: Buddy's Got Three Moms

Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown vol. 1-4

Hellboy: Seed of Destruction

Hellboy: The Chained Coffin and Others

Hellboy: Wake the Devil

The Hills Have Eyes: The Beginning

Hitman: A Rage in Arkham

Howard the Duck: Marvel Treasury Edition 1976

Howard the Duck: Marvel MAX

Ice Haven HC

I Never Liked You HC

In The Shadow of No Towers HC

Introducing Kafka

Invincible vol. 1-3

Jar of Fools vol. 1-2

Jeremy Brood


The Job Thing

Joy Ride

Killraven: Marvel Graphic Novel

The Land of Nod Treasury

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Vol. 2-3

Little Lit HC

Love & Rockets vol. 1-4

Love & Rockets: Locas in Love

Madman Adventures

Madman: The Oddity Odyssey

Read Yourself Raw

Marvel 1602

Maus vol. 1-2

Megaton Man vol.1

Michael Moorcock's Elric: The Making of a Sorcerer

Michael Moorcock's Multiverse

Milk and Cheese: Fun With Milk and Cheese

Ministry of Space HC

Miracleman Book 3: Olympus

Miracleman Book 4: The Golden Age


Moebius 2

Mr. Punch

Munden's Bar Annual

My True Story

The New Comics Anthology

The New Mutants: Marvel Graphic Novel

Optic Nerve: 32 Stories

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe vol. 6

Optimism of Youth

Orbiter HC


Persepolis vol. 1

Pip & Norton vol. 1

Planetary vol. 1-2

Plastic Forks Vol. 3

The Playboy

Powers: Vol. 1-2

Preacher: vol. 1-9

Promethea: vol. 1

The Punisher: Welcome Back, Frank

Raw: Vol.2, Books 1-3

The Ray Bradbury Chronicles vol 1-3

R. Crumb Draws the Blues

Reid Fleming - World's Toughest Milkman

Reinventing Comics

Road to Perdition

Robin 3000 vol. 1-2


The Collected Sam & Max: Surfin' the Highway

Sandman vol. 1-10

Sandman: The Dream Hunters

Sandman Midnight Theatre

Savage Dragon vol. 1

Scu The Disposable Assassin: The Whole Shebang

Sin City: The Hard Goodbye


Skin Deep

Sleepwalk and Other Stories

Sloth HC

A Smithsonian Book of Comic-Book Comics HC


Spawn & Batman

Spider-Man: Venom Returns

The Best of the Spirit

The Stand vol. 1 HC

Star Raiders

Strangers in Paradise vol. 1

Stray Bullets vol. 1-2

Swamp Thing: Love and Death

Swamp Thing: Roots

Taboo Especial

Taboo 8

Thick Black Kiss

Tom Strong vol. 1

Transmetropolitan: I Hate It Here

Ultimate Fantastic Four vol. 1-2

Uncle Sam

Undercover Genie

Understanding Comics

Voodoo: Dancing In The Dark

Voyages vol. 1

The Walking Dead 1-9

Warts and All



Weapon X

Wild C.A.T.S. compendium

Wolverine, Claremont/Miller

Essential X-Men Vol. 1-2

X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills

Astonishing x-Men vol. 1-4

Y: The Last Man vol. 1

ZOT! : vol. 1-2




There's a handful on loan/ somewhere in my bedroom, but that's the bulk of it.

Edited by Thelogan Prime

Lol. It really doesn't look that impressive, not nearly as cool as Newt's setup. Just one old shelf, sagging from the weight.

I wouldn't lie, there's too many people who could call me out and I would have added a lot of shit that's curiously absent.

But MH's already volunteered her camera and services, as far as I'm concerned, so pics should be forthcoming.


Alright, I apologize for the quality. I'm working with the .3 Megapixels on my DSi.








These are the books I'm most proud of, simply because they're by far the hardest to find.






Niiice Thelogan!


BTW Nick and Jay: Could you believe that I HAD that Maximum Carnage TPB for several years, that untill I made the Nick move and i sold it with the first 4 marvel masterworks books of Spidey...


fuck, i so want that silly TPB. then again, yeah, idve sold it for funds to buy logan's Miracle Man run.


Lo - youve a DSi? so i do know one guy with one, huh. get sharper pics, books look good but i cant quite make a few of em out!


That's a sweet collection Logan. I really gotta update my pic too though.


It's a good thing our trip doesn't come by Texas, lest those Cerebus trades end up mine


NZA- check the portable consoles thread. Logan was the first to post a review on the damned things.


Thanks for the praise guys. It's been a long, slow accumulation. Around 20 years, I reckon. It's not that impressive when you take that into account. I'm still totally in awe of Newt's library, personally.

There really isn't that much more, the vast majority of the shelf-worthy books are in the pics.

I'll take you up on that camera tho, so I can at least take some clear shots.


JZA- All the Cerebus pre Jaka's Story are in the longboxes. I think I more proud of those (letters pages ftw). I still don't have it all, I'm delaying the inevitable. I will be sad when there's no more Cerebus to read.

Thanks for the praise guys. It's been a long, slow accumulation. Around 20 years, I reckon. It's not that impressive when you take that into account. I'm still totally in awe of Newt's library, personally.

There really isn't that much more, the vast majority of the shelf-worthy books are in the pics.

I'll take you up on that camera tho, so I can at least take some clear shots.


JZA- All the Cerebus pre Jaka's Story are in the longboxes. I think I more proud of those (letters pages ftw). I still don't have it all, I'm delaying the inevitable. I will be sad when there's no more Cerebus to read.


Got my Absolute Ronin in the other day. I forgot how really awesome Ronin is. Also the comic book shop near my work is ordering me some more Ex Machina and Saga of the Swamp Thing books. Any other hidden gems you got tucked away??

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...



new setup here at the beach, new bookcase (well, new to me - $50 down by the marina, thanks craigslist). shit's way too tall to work in my old apt, but i like how it filled out...im not buying graphic novels these days so its likely gonna stay like that, only a few books lent out right now too.


bookcase on the right is philosophy for the first 2 shelves, then fire, research, novels etc. im buying more of these books these days due to half.com sellers letting the classics go for less than $1 lately. anyway, im happy.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

i'm sticking with my quality v. quantity argument here. that said, you should post updated pics of your library and its current layout when you can.

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