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Hondo's Bar

The Boys


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I already knew that was gonna be a pirating thing. You disgust me, although that may change when Damo(meltd0wn) comes over and gives me the dummy's tour of torrenting or whatever that is.

  • 1 month later...

Who's caught up on this? I know the next three were in the can before the axe came down, but #7 & 8 felt like they really lost the energy & feel of the first six. Hell, if Wildstorm had published #7 it woulda been a declaration of war.


really? i know its slower right now but i figure theyre setting shit up, i mean they just got to the batcave of sorts...im likely baised here because of the creative team, but this book's still at the top of my pile, so to speak.

  • 3 weeks later...

Finally picked up the trade for this one (with introduction by Simon Pegg, no less - class). I have a new favorite book. If they ever make a movie (riiiiight) Ray Stevenson needs to play the Butcher.


wow...good call, on both of those.

i think im gonna search ebay for one of the Ennis-signed trades of this one, i gotta get his sig on something.

Who's caught up on this? I know the next three were in the can before the axe came down, but #7 & 8 felt like they really lost the energy & feel of the first six. Hell, if Wildstorm had published #7 it woulda been a declaration of war.


Remember, Ennis has said on multiple occasions that this is planned to be a 60+ issue series. So #7 was a little slow. A long series has to have down periods so you can catch your breath. I'm sure #8 (can't wait to get my hands on it tommorrow!) will ramp up the insanity again.


You shitting me? Without spoiling, All Hell's a Coming while indeed being decompression, was still an incredibly collection of issues that really fucked with our perceptions of characters we loved or hated. The Boys #7 & 8 thus far have just been awful cheap set-ups and punchlines not unlike The Pro. I expect better to be coming, but after the news that Wildstorm dropped it and the subsequent limbo, coming back to find this just left me wondering why I was ever interested.


folks, thsi guy sells video game systems if they dont please him for a few weeks or so. For those unfamiliar with Skeet's attention span, just nod, give it a few months to get rolling and he'll be back, questioning why any of youse fucks were ever doubting.

  • 1 month later...

Well IC that explains his "reign" in FC...oops did I say that here? Actually came in to rave bout the book. I really think it's hilarious, could use a lil more character development thus far but the way it is keeps it light-hearted, it's a feel good book, unlike Punisher.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

no shit? me & 2Track been going on about that one, kinda figured it was either dead or delayed for a long while to come...well, i read Ennis is (sadly) offa Punisher soon, so mebbe he's open up for this again, finally? what little ive heard of it, i was dying to see how it went down.

  • 3 months later...

So the third big arc 'Glorious five year plan' just wrapped up and I'm really not sure why this is one of the exclusive 3 books I buy(other two being Y and/or 100 bullets as they come & Ultimates). I'm pretty sure they're sticking to monthly but each issue seems disjointed and it honestly feels like I've stepped in mid-arc. Ennis has already run out of the crude superhero jokes that made the first arc & The Pro before it a fanboy hit, and i don't think anyone pretended for a second this series was gonna compare to Preacher, punisher or to a lesser scale Hitman but the characterisation gone out the window too, so what the fuck is left?


Next arc seems to focus on Starlight(one of my favourites) so I'll see if it picks up steam with that.


I totally agree with Skeet. And I wasn't feeling this new artist. In the last two issues Robertson would do like 2 pages and they'd bring in some other guy. It just wasn't feeling his art.


i still gotta see how it ended, but i can see your point. thing is, Hitman didnt really take off for me until a bit later into the series, so im holdin on.

But yeah, im unsure how many different superhero parody angles are left to play sometimes, too.

I totally agree with Skeet. And I wasn't feeling this new artist. In the last two issues Robertson would do like 2 pages and they'd bring in some other guy. It just wasn't feeling his art.


Yeah, Snelberg(there's a J in there somewhere) is very hit & miss for me, but I'll never forget his rendering of the

inbred lamb of god

in Preacher(the Starr one-shot). I didn't even notice on #14, but felt it sting in 15. If the next arc wasn't back to Starlight I'd probably just drop off right now.

  • 1 year later...

so, we're 37 issues in, and while im still enjoying it, its hard to argue with baytor that it feels like im waiting for the big story here. Its hinted at - the biggest moment so far was prolly Butcher's confrontation with the superman guy - but the pacing could use some help sometimes. this one might work better down the road in trades.


Meanwhile, looks like we're not the only forum to have Ennis' artists grace a panel with our name:




ah, well Hondo's Bar was a name taken from a classic John Wayne flick, and Ennis used it as a meeting point towards the end of Preacher. The Knoll's been a bar name in other stuff ive seen, i just caught it for the first time in this month's The Boys and thought baytor'd get a kick out it...its not as big as it having been on it in Hitman (for him) but itll do.


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