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What was the last film you saw?

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They actually filmed it?!



Yeah, he's acting all drunk and alien abduction crazy so they deny him the right to fly in the resistance and he disappears on his kids who go looking for him in the main control room, then when the president says he's out of nukes out of nowhere he comes in his crop duster with a nuke attached to it and the rest of the film is the same except with the red crop duster in it. This is all in the end scene near Las Vegas, there's a whole deleted scene showing it.

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Ah. But where would he have gotten the missile if he weren't allowed to take part in the attack? And the crop-duster? Wasn't this quite a distance from where he kept that? Maybe I'm just nit-picking. The scene does sound like it would be nice with the crop-duster.

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Ah. But where would he have gotten the missile if he weren't allowed to take part in the attack? And the crop-duster? Wasn't this quite a distance from where he kept that? Maybe I'm just nit-picking. The scene does sound like it would be nice with the crop-duster.


Well your nitpicking is fair and most likely why the movie ended the way it did.

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Well your nitpicking is fair and most likely why the movie ended the way it did.

*shrugs* If they really wanted it, they could've made it work. It wouldn't have taken much to add them taking the plan with them when they were fleeing their home, or for a missile to be missing at some point.

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Eli's on a roll...this shit was awesome! I highly recommend it.



as an aside, i'm calling it here that the american remake will have a happy ending.


I don't know anything about this movie and have never heard of it before you posted about it, but knowing you I'll like this. I'll have to ask Cj if he's heard of it and rent/useothermeans to see this.





Fucking love this movie


Weirdddddd we were talking about this yesterday? Or the day before yesterday? ARE YOU CHANNELING OUR THOUGHTS?

Edited by MetalHeart
To add shings?
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These three in a row.


V for vendetta

Children of men

The rock.


I'd like to see anyone fault them.


I second complete confusion that people haven't seen the Rock at this point, but Children of Men was overthought, aartsy dook. Speaking prematurely as someone who has seen all but hte last half hour of V, it's crazy-awesome.

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Children of Men sure was a pretty film about nothing. Yes yes, I know, it has a deep involved plot but that plot is pretty sparse and mostly revolves around Clive Owen running from things in long, magnificently shot, takes. It's like Half-Life 2 the movie except without head crabs. (Note: Children of Men needs head crabs)

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