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Not necessarily. If you recall, the last couple of seasons of Star Trek: TNG, Worf and Deanna Troi had somewhat of a relationship going on, and last I checked, she hasn't bit the big one yet! :ohface:


She ended the relationship out of fear for her life!... and then ended up marrying Riker. If you remember the last two-part episode of ST:TNG; in the alternate future part she and Worf ended up married and she had died horribly, and Riker was pissed at Worf about the whole thing.


Yes, I am a huge geek, I've come to terms with it...

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Star Trek Inspiration Posters


Yes, satirical inspirational posters are well passed being cliched and unoriginal, but if you ever worked in an office with them hanging on the walls, your contempt for them far outweighs your impatience for cliche, and as long as they cleverly parody how real inspirational posters are worded (many do not), they are still pretty funny. Most of these are. Also, don't forget they are links to a second, third and fourth page of posters.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Whats the word with the next ST movie?

So far that it's scheduled to come out Christmas Day of 2008, and that Leonard Nimoy WILL DEFINITELY reprise his role as Spock in the movie. Also there's talk about changing the script so that William Shatner can also reprise his role as Captain Kirk, though it's not official yet if Shatner will do it.


Oh family guy, you lampoon stuff so well...

That they do. Here's some more:


The voices of Picard, Riker, and Worf are indeed the real actor's voices! (Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, and Michael Dorn)


Picard and Troi (real voices of Patrick Stewart and Marina Sirtis)


Odo & Stewie as Quark (it is indeed Rene Auberjonois as Odo)


Brian & Stewie, in a spoof scene from ST II: Wrath of Khan

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  • 3 weeks later...
Variety is reporting that Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz star Simon Pegg will portray the Enterprise's irascible engineer Montgomery Scott in J.J. Abrams' new Star Trek film.


Pegg, who started as a stand-up comedian and co-wrote the Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz films, will takeover the role made famous by James Doohan in the original Star Trek series. The new film (in part) chronicles the early years of the crew of the Starship Enterprise.

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