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Has Mjöllnir ever glown like a neon blue lollipop in the comics? Cause I don't remember it.


Don't enable Nick's misuse of the word "morning," Jax. But I'm glad to know the type of things that are on y'all's minds when Nick wakes up around 4PM and you can tear yourself away from the multi-sensory overload of Daria, Net surfing, and Mafia Wars long enough to converse w/ him. :ghost:

This was after he came home from work around 8:00am, before he conked out in his room, so my use of the word morning was apt.

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Has Mjöllnir ever glown like a neon blue lollipop in the comics? Cause I don't remember it.


Not that I recall, but I like it and will buy one at a high price. You'll also notice that the marks in the handle seem to be glowing as well, getting brighter towards the head. I can't really complain much about the costume, as anything remotely accurate would look fucking absurd. Good call on the helmet. I wish the plastic bits looked more like metal and the material of the pants bugs me for some reason.


Of course, if they want to make an actual cool Thor movie, that actor simply won't do.





























May I suggest



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good morning Hondo's!


that thor looks great, and considering its a still shot that looks to have a shopped effect, im fairly certain itll look awesome in motion and likely not even glow unless its got lightning flowing through it. i think we're on some organic web shooter syndrome here,



sarah jessica horseface as beta ray bill...masterfully done.

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I think since they have the beard they should've went all out and went ZZ Top with it. Other than that I dig it the more Ultimate look. looks like that what the marvel movie-verse is shaping up to be.

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I think since they have the beard they should've went all out and went ZZ Top with it. Other than that I dig it the more Ultimate look. looks like that what the marvel movie-verse is shaping up to be.


Visually yes, storyline-wise not in the least.

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Visually yes, storyline-wise not in the least.


Making a Thor movie stand-alone and completely separated from Marvel, rooted entirely in Norse mythology would kick arse. Making a Marvel Thor movie, the Ultimate storyline from Ultimates 2 is really the only story I've seen that would be worth putting on-screen.

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Making a Thor movie stand-alone and completely separated from Marvel, rooted entirely in Norse mythology would kick arse. Making a Marvel Thor movie, the Ultimate storyline from Ultimates 2 is really the only story I've seen that would be worth putting on-screen.


That would be a terrible fucking movie, I'm so glad they're not doing it.

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And what the fuck's better? Ridiculous fucking Thor and the superfriends popping a squat between Avengers mansion & Asgard the whole time? Thor by it's very nature as a Marvel comic is ludicrous. As is fucking Ares and any other part of established mythology. What you get putting these things on screen is Clash of the Titans.

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Ellis on Thor? This I gotta read


Any other stories set entirely within Asgard simply support my opinion of a non-marvel Thor entity being cool. The Strazynski stuff is okay, but that's more because Loki steals the show. I fucking hate reading some of the old Avengers stuff where the team gets done fighting some world-ending Menace & Thor will turn up all 'sorry I missed the party, trolls on the Rainbow Bridge. Verily'. Side-by-side alternate worlds don't fucking work!! He should exist in one world or the other. Ask Heroes Reborn about that shit.

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Looks like the bastard child of James Hetfield & Superman.

You say that like it's a bad thing.


Besides like Nick pointed out these are straight illustrations. They are not the actor in the suit. The suit looks much better lit properly, below is an official pic from Marvel. I have a lot of faith in Kenneth Branagh after his Henry V.

I think his Thor is going to be awesome!



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  • 4 weeks later...

i gotta admit...if you get past the fear of norse-talk/funky accentry, this is the biggest concern here: that's been a complaint since early shots of Thor & the hammer, and we keep saying "its concept/etc" but while the base look is there, there's a lotta hard plastic look about it, too. JZA's already pointed out the difficulty of Asgard/Norse mythology with a modern marvel setting; getting it to film is gotta be infinitely harder, and the mood/look can easily be shattered if it strikes audiences as...let's go with Logan's o'donnel Robin, that's a perfect example.


for me, a good example of the pique of costume feel/believability is Spider-Man. i didnt believe the kid could've made that, sure, but like 30 seconds into him donning it, i didn't give a shit, it felt perfect. Stark's armor is up here, too, as is X1/X2 :D claws, or batman begins suit.

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