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Hondosbar Pick-Up Post! Show Us Your Goods!


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Thought we could use a nice thread like this. A nice thread filled with pics/info and gaming pride.


Everyone post up your latest purchases/pick ups/findings! Take pics!


The only rule:

Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....





Edited by Newtype
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I didn't think that stapler was a real thing. Nice swag Haku! I have bought nothing of note recently other than protein mix, which isn't that dorky. Props on the Guinness bottle opener too even ironically since bottled guiness is awful



This is all that comes to mind when i think of Scott McCloud, but that's admittedly my failing.

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Oh, I dunno if the corresponding blog entry made it clear, but reading through the collected archives in the books with the commentary (part of the reason I love the books so much) he basically said Scott at some point called Webcomics a 'dead medium' or somesuch, and this was their response.

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That sounds like a direct response to Reinventing Comics, which has some pretty questionable ideas. Not a huge fan of that one, although I have to admit that some of the wacky shit he predicted in the 90's about the future of comics is pretty accurate these days.

Understanding, however, is the bees fuckin' knees and mandatory reading for all comic book fans. I used to fantasize about teaching a class that used it as the textbook.


Nza: I don't think anyone moved it. This is where it was when I got here last night.

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What Logan wrote, Nick. This is where Newt put the thread.


Thanks, Jay. Yeah, the irony of a Guinness bottle opener is that it'll most likely never be used to open a bottle of Guinness in my home.


Champloo on BR was only $22 on amazon. Couldn't pass up spending some birthday $$$ on it. And despite the annoying lack of any extras, I'm looking fwd to watching the series w/ the gf even though she's a tough sell. She often has that mindset that animation is for "babies." Some people...:sarcasm:


Logan, have you read all of McCloud's books? Doesn't he also have one called Making Comics?

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I've never read Making Comics. Honestly, after Reinventing I've kind of ignored him.

I've read all of ZOT though, and it's one of the relatively few "good" books I felt comfortable exposing my son to at a young age (mainly because I know precisely what it's like to read that particular book when you're a kid). He'll get Volume 3 in a couple of years when he'll be able to appreciate some of the themes a little better. We're big Zot fans in this household.

McCloud also created the 24 Hour Comic event/challenge thing, which I've participated in a few times.

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Thought we could use a nice thread like this. A nice thread filled with pics/info and gaming pride.


Everyone post up your latest purchases/pick ups/findings! Take pics!


The only rule:

Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....








Hey can I get that wallpaper from you? >.>;

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i like it, but the game-gear esque aesthetics of making the actual cover image the smallest part of the cover always throws me off. still, Monster Land was great. i think IV was the genesis one that i liked the best, despite its only one save file having shenanigans.

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Oh yes. And there goes my +1 for the day.


I love when people besides me spread the gospel.


WARNING: If anyone reads it, they will be disappointed and they will hate it, and they will not hesitate to tell you as much. This is simply the way it is, unless your name is Milk & Cheese. Be braced.

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