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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

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since that conversation's goin on everywhere else online anyway: i don't put DD on affleck's back. he was a fine murdoch, and i think he did what he could with that S&M costume/cast/script/etc. not ideal, but he wasn't even in my top 10 complaints.


...now i know what baytor feels like when people bash thomas jane's punisher

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Patton Oswalt's on point Facebook status


No matter how many times you post your stupid "Fire Ben Affleck from Playing Batman" petition, I'm going to delete it and block you. Take a deep breath, and think for a second:


Yeah, the dude's made some bad films. Every actor has. Every actor does. Every actor will. It's a huge, arcing career and NO ONE has control over where it goes. Movie to movie, year to year, you're collaborating and trying and risking and, sometimes, yes -- failing.


Plus, everyone seems to forget that he had the world dropped in his lap when he was YOUNG. And, judging by how other suddenly-famous youngsters do in the same situation, he fared pretty well. Even when it went wrong, he seemed to keep a self-deprecating, long-view philosophy about the burning freak carousel he'd found himself on.


And then what happened? I mean, he'd fallen from a HEIGHT. You know what happens to 95% of people who weather a descent that steep? They come apart, fray at all of their sanity nodes, and give up.


But then there's the 5% who embrace crushing defeat and see it for the gift it is. And here's the gift: when you fail, and fail UTTERLY, you wake up the next morning and see that the world didn't end. And then the fear of failure is gone. And you're free. You're free to proceed on your own terms and pace -- if you have the ego that permits you to.


Ben brushed himself off, realized he'd kept his eyes open on the movies he'd done, and started directing. And he's become a damn good one.


A Batman portrayed by someone who's tasted humiliation and a reversal of all personal valences -- kind of like Grant Morrison's "Zen warrior" version of Batman, post-ARKHAM ASYLUM, who was, in the words of Superman, "...the most dangerous man on the planet"? Think for a second and admit that Ben Affleck is closer to THAT top-shelf iteration of The Dark Knight than pretty much anyone in Hollywood right now.


I'd write more, but I have to go work on my post about how an overweight 44 year-old comedian with bad feet and insomnia would be a bold choice for The Joker.


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To be fair, he's no worse than anyone else they got to play Batman, he's just miscast. Adam West is the only actor to play Batman as he was written (at the time.) Kilmer played Batman as close as I imagine the current one would act (which is to say, he reminded me of Kevin Conroy's version), and Christian Bale played a pretty great Bruce Wayne (and to be fair, most of the non-voice issues with his Batman weren't his fault. Michael Keaton and George Clooney were opposite sides of the same ridiculously silly-ass coin, though Clooney was a better Bruce Waynr. I expect Affleck will be a bit above Kilmer in quality and he has the gravitas as anyone who watched The Town has seen, he's just a bit too Blue Collar looking and I don't see his voice working at all.

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i'm down. part of me is honestly just excited that we've moved past bale - like tobey as spidey, even if you're good for it, i think 3 solo flicks is a long enough stretch for most actors.


unless you're hugh jackman or someone that wants the role for life, i guess

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I said exactly how I feel about this: I find it hilarious. I'm not pissed, I'm not irritated. It's just...funny to me.

The movie is probably going to be kinda shit anyway, but I doubt it'll be Afleck's fault. He'll probably get blamed for it anyway.


It is a tragedy that they missed an opportunity to snag Jon Hamm while he's still a somebody. Now there's a good Bruce Wayne.

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yeah, but...not that Affleck's a brawler himself, but watching Hamm fight sounds about as interesting as seeing Keaton do the same. i do wish they'd cast someone that could move a bit like i'd wanna see batman fight (and actually give them a costume that can move as well). Bale was supposed to have all this training but it was still not really there.

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yeah, but...not that Affleck's a brawler himself, but watching Hamm fight sounds about as interesting as seeing Keaton do the same. i do wish they'd cast someone that could move a bit like i'd wanna see batman fight (and actually give them a costume that can move as well). Bale was supposed to have all this training but it was still not really there.


Bale couldn't do shit in that clunky ass costume. The first Bale movie was the worst in that regard, it was all clever camera tricks that implied there was fighting going on somewhere. Lame.

Those terrible molded plastic suits are another thing I'd like to see abolished in Bat-movies. I understand that spandex looks absurd in real life, but there has to be a happy medium. He needs freedom of movement (like Lt. Jim Dangle. Robin knows what's up). Keaton couldn't even turn his head for fuck sake. Movie Batman has never realistically kicked ass like he should. Ever. I wanna see some Arkham Asylum shit.


And yeah, Hamm wouldn't be a great Batman. Just Bruce.

They should just have separate people play Wayne/Batman. What needs to match up, the bottom half of a face? That ain't exactly a technological marvel to pull off. I'm sure Snyder's check just says d245777abca64ece2d5d7ca0d19fddb6.png.

Lemme make the fucking movie. I'll do it up right, and I'll sprinkle in a few rape scenes to make it all gritty and shit.

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spandex with kevlar it is!


seriously, the minute that armor impedes his movement, he needs to shed it. his entire training/background relies on stealth + quick, decisive movements; if he's standing around taking hits, he's not gonna last long anyway. i liked the idea at first in batman begins, but as time went on, i thought he was gonna put on a helmet & start lecturing kids on the importance of bicycle safety.

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Nick knows the score here.


the minute that armor impedes his movement, he needs to shed it.



Hardened gloves and boots, a section of the chest. Maybe something light to brace the forearm and femur. You wrap the whole thing up so that it doesn't LOOK like you're armored. You want them to try to stab you first, not automatically escalate to the bazooka.

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