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Suicide Squad


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Don't listen to Da'Capn, he's wrong as he has been about every DCEU film. I mean the man likes Spiderman 3 fro crying out loud. Suicide Squad was a lot of fun, it had the feel of the original comics, the best rendition of Waller in live action yet, great characters, and a pretty shitty villian. Margot Robbie was perfect as Herley, Will Smith was a great Deadshot, and even Jai Courtney brought it as Boomerang, who is a giant asshole just like he is supposed to be.


The cameos were fun, the action was average, it's not the best movie ever, but it was damned enjoyable based on the performances.

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Yeah... I finally got around to Man of Steel and Batman v. Superman last week, the former was interesting but bad and the latter was a stygian mess but fairly entertaining. I'll probably like this.



Do you upset/defensive when somebody doesn't like the same movie/game/books as you do?


Such as this:

Don't listen to Da'Capn, he's wrong as he has been about every DCEU film. I mean the man likes Spiderman 3 fro crying out loud. Suicide Squad was a lot of fun.

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Yeah... I finally got around to Man of Steel and Batman v. Superman last week, the former was interesting but bad and the latter was a stygian mess but fairly entertaining. I'll probably like this.



Depends, honestly the performances carry the movie and it's not trying to be deep ala BvS and MoS, so it's a much more straightforward work. I enjoyed it because I liked the characters and I'm a sucker for big fights against nameless mooks ala Avengers 1 and 2. Again, not perfect, but a lot of fun.

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I went with three other people and I liked it the least. Everyone else pretty much had the same reaction as Bishop and thought it was a lot of fun. I agree the first third of the film was really enjoyable/fun and had a Deadpool-ness about its tone that I dug. Wil Smith was good as Deadshot. Viola Davis was good as a stone cold, Florida Evans fro sportin' Amanda Waller. And Joel Kinnaman did a good job, too. However, the real highlight for me was Harley & Mr. J. Jared Leto's Joker and Harley really just needed their own movie.


As for the film on the whole, things got rocky in the second third of the film, and that last "boss fight" really left a sour taste in my mouth...


They really played fast and loose with Enchantress' powers. She seemed to be limited by them only when it suited having a particular squad member. And WTF is El Diablo? Are these beings like him and Enchantress meant to be ancient aliens in the DCCU? Too many of these obvious holes in the iflm's logic really took me out of that whole scene.





Bats was underused and oversold. I felt like they were teasing us with a definite Joker and Batman battle in the trailers, but we never got it. And that coda/end credits scene meant to lead into JL was a bit confusing. Why would Bats need Waller and expose himself like that in such an obvious fashion? Was the extent of Luthor's files on metahumans limited to those tiny vid clips in BvS? I guess so. I did like that he took down Deadshot, but disliked how they played up the fact Wil Smith's Deadshot could've taken him out "if he wanted to."


Flash's capture of Boomerang was another nice nod.


Katana pretty much felt like an extended cameo, too. Way underused considering the power of the weapon she wields.



I liked it. Could've easily cast Jaime Pressley instead of Margot Robie though.

Eh? Circa 2002 maybe.
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Coming back from vacation like:




NZA and I checked Suicide Squad's RT rating while we were out of town and it wasn't looking good. Was 30 then, and 26 now. That's actually worse than BvS's final rating! Is this movie worse than that piece of hot garbage? I had such high hopes for it! Reserving final judgment till I see it, but it's a damn shame crappy movies are making a killing when entertaining films like the Ghostbusters reboot had to fight for an audience. I think Variety nailed it with this headline:

‘Suicide Squad’ Is a Hit, But DC Needs to Start Making Better Movies

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Wow, never realized how similar Jaime and Margot look! Both very beautiful women, both could've pulled off this role. I really need to stay off the internet reviews till I see it, but I was a little bummed reading what Margot's Harley could've been. I'm still excited to see what she does with the character! Not sure if I'll shell out theater prices for this, though.

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Coming back from vacation like:




NZA and I checked Suicide Squad's RT rating while we were out of town and it wasn't looking good. Was 30 then, and 26 now. That's actually worse than BvS's final rating! Is this movie worse than that piece of hot garbage? I had such high hopes for it! Reserving final judgment till I see it, but it's a damn shame crappy movies are making a killing when entertaining films like the Ghostbusters reboot had to fight for an audience. I think Variety nailed it with this headline:

‘Suicide Squad’ Is a Hit, But DC Needs to Start Making Better Movies


At the very least you should like Harley I would think. Robbie kills it in the role and does a great job. Plus its awesome seeing her on film. As for the rest, it probably depends on what bothered you about BvS, SS still has editing issues, but its straightforward, and it's tone is nowhere near as dour as BvS was. Then again, I'm apparently a crazy person for liking all three of the DCEU films so far, so take it with a grain of salt I guess.

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Suicide Squad is bad and you should feel bad.


Seriously though, I had such high hopes too. The trailers were fantastic and I really wanted one of these upcoming flicks to right the DC ship. SS failed... miserably. It's a mess. Sure, there's some highlights, but nowhere near enough to save it from itself.


As I mentioned before: I'm embarrassed for DC.


EDIT: Spoiler was unnecessary.

Edited by Da Cap'n 2099
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i missed the tmobile tuesdays tickets, so i might sit on this for a bit (like i did with xmen: apocalypse) but im reserving judgment till then, i also wanted to go back & read the ostrander (sp?) run beforhand as well


Shiiiit, Jaime Pressley could totally play Captain Marvel.


just glad we're not saying starbuck anymore...honestly ive wanted to like carol forever, but she's not my favorite character. i wanna say nextwave was one of the first times i really spent time with monica (spectrum) and she's just more interesting for me, love her in ultimates

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...Or "The Word-For-Word Conversation Spacecowboy And I Had Earlier Today" review.


I almost fell asleep on the road back from Deerfield last night, so I didn't watch this until this morning, but I thought the exact same thing! Almost word for word! I was annoyed that they both kept complaining about Harley's cellphone. They completely missed the handover from Ike Barinholtz, but then that was probably due to the horrible editing.


"Oh, the metahumanity"

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eh, i don't think bias towards the source material allowing you to enjoy something more than others is crazy...i mean, Preacher's not a great show, but i'm still digging the parts that aren't shit.


admitting flaws/disappointment while still celebrating bits you enjoyed isn't mutually exclusive, either...i found some enjoyment in pieces of daredevil's director's cut, i just still didn't think it was good (but not irredeemably bad like say green lantern).

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I admit I was a Spider-Man 3 apologist for so long. I was spoiled with two great movies and couldn't imagine the team doing any wrong. I was absolutely incorrect, though, and I now know that that movie is crap. Still, trimmed down, SM3 could be a serviceable film. Suicide Squad has a semblance of a movie underneath, but it would have to be reshot and re-edited completely. I keep thiking back to it and I keep remembering more and more shit wrong with it. And this isn't some Marvel vs DC, Spidey company, Nelson Muntz "Haw Haw" hate bias that I'm spitting here. I REALLY wanted this movie to be good. But I understand Bishop being defensive: I was a Spider-Man 3 apologist for so long.

Edited by Da Cap'n 2099
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