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Hondo's Bar

Drunken Deities - the return!


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Well, folks, it was bound to happen, and now's as good a time as any:


Drunken Deities has officially re-opened!


I know, we're still using the old "hondos" domain, but that's only for a few more days, according to our server.


For those asking "why?", the answer is simple: im hoping to do fire academy soon, and simply wont have the time to maintain this place. Originally, it was Yahven's, so the transition should be pretty smooth. I've no doubt with his technical proficency, he'll make a much better admin (again), and i again apologize for the trouble ive caused over the last few years, between the crashes, hacks, deleted databases etc. Fortunately, those concerns are a thing of the past now. :D


Older members might feel more at home; for the newer ones, its basically the same place, only themed more as gods/deities than a bar, but drinking's still fine. Other than that, not much else should change; we'll be keepin the same server and all, tho some of Yahven's rules will most likely return: The Senate (sorry Jax, you're Ghwa again) will officially be re-established tomorrow, as well as The List of The Gods. Also, I'm not sure if Junker can still post here, but i figure that's ok; he doesnt come by much these days anyway.


I'll be passing the torch back to Yahven, the rightful admin, later today. Thanks to everyone for making my stint at "Hondo's Bar" one of the best times I've had.

Welcome on in, everyone! :D

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Is this a bad thing? I mean, I put some good work into those Hondo's Logos...it took me a while to get the "discussion" scratch whores part off the logo. Eh, no matter. I'll figure something out for the frontpage. So you want a God like theme?


Oh wait. Do I have to go through Yahve for all these things now?

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Wow, this is certtainly out of nowhere. I'm still assuming this is an April fool's joke, since it was April 1st in Australia when IC posted this. As for Yahve being the forum god in relation to Nick, Nick certainly fit the "omnipresent" label, while Yahve might go as much as a week or more being absent. Of course, Nick was never one to be "omnicompetent." Just kidding, Nick. Under your totalage, this place has really expanded without losign quality. Hope you can still make the time to post.

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Shiite! I hope this is an April Fools joke, cause otherwise I'm gone.


All I need is some egomaniac that refers to himself as the Ineffeable Name in Hebrew. What a crock of Shiite. Can't Dante take over the board? Hell, I'll even contribute funds just to make sure Yav isn't the board Admin.


If he is, then I'm out. It's been short and fun, but I've gotta say Adios.

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I'm kinda upset...I won't hear MH saying, "OMG GUys on Hondo's last night..!!" anymore. I might be a bit new but I've been hearing your stories for ages.

"OMG Drunken deities" doesn't sound too right at all.......

Same people, but damn I feel a bit ...off.


I know DD is classic, but can't we keep the Hondo's theme, at least?


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Yeah, this is confusing, foriegn and weird. Even tho the God theme should theorietically work for my ultimate Easter Plans, I don't like it. T'ain't my place to say tho, and I'm not leaving unless there's no fun people left. And who the fuck is Yahve? I smell April Fools...


For shame Nick, Pythagoras weeps.

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I don't see why one would leave b/c of another. I mean, I have never had a problem with Yahve when I was on DD a few months prior to the hondos makeover, but even if I did have a problem with him, I wouldnt leave you all for one other person. Its a web forum, make of it what you will. You are still your own (wo)man.

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Hello guys. The hondo's era is comming to a close. Don't worry, the DD era has also come and gone. A lot has changed in the past few years and things will hopefully continue to do so. In a few days, I'll begin to accept ideas so we can hold polls to decide what the new incarnation of the board shall be named. As Nick said, not much will change. I have only a few new ideas I'd like to add to the board. We still have a lot of the same good people that helped create DD/HB. Good people are good people no matter who is at the helm. That's what has made this place globally awesome. As for Nick, he's been outposting everyone since day 1 and will continue to do so no matter how busy he is. Hmm maybe Jax now actually has a shot at gaining top poster crown at last... maybe hehe.


If you feel intimidated by change and feel like running away, feel free. Evolution must take its course. Cool people believe in the community here and the joy will only get better. To everyone else, I'm not sorry to see ya go.

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