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Ghostbusters (2016)

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I just don't see the point half the people involved don't wanna do it and the people that do have changed so much that I don't think they could recreate that magic of they tried. There's just no torch to pass anymore and I've seen Dan Ackroyd try to chase past victories in vain too many times.


Is the all-women thing a gimmick? Sure. And I'll be honest that I'm losing interest in this the more I see of it, I think they're trying to chase nostalgia too much and I wish they would do something deliberately different like the original script. We need to let Ghostbusters go.

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I think half the people having either moved on or died - could lend itself to the Ghostbusters being...an expired franchise and in need of new blood, when shit goes down. I am so okay w/ just Akroyd n' Hudson appearing in mentor roles for an Act.


I'd love to see that! I'm obviously kinda obsessed w/ this series. Been dreaming of a return to that universe...and seeing the boys back together...however brief it might be. I've never been in this camp of: not worth it if Murray's not involved or 'everyone or no one'. Fuck it - I'm good w/ just an old Winston n' Stanz...watch the original movies if you have no idea who they are, kids!


Akroyd has been having insane ideas for a GB3 - I'd love to see his GB3. His passion for the series is real - it's sad that no one seemed to share his desire to realize the full potential of the GB concept. Murray is god-like, but damn, the 'people in charge' have this idea that he is GB...he's not. All these wasted years of waiting and script pandering trying to get him involved...so misguided - I feel so damn bad for Akroyd.

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If there's any reason I'd want to see Ghostbusters 3 it would be for Ernie Hudson and maybe Annie Potts (and Rick Moranis in that outside chance that he'd actually do it.) I do agree that Venkman is a bit overstated as being what Ghostbusters is about but I don't think Ray and Winston can carry it without Egon and these passing the torch movies rarely work. You have to have new blood that's as instantly likeable as the old group and that's a tall order to fill, more often you end up with a Shia LeBeof or Jay Courtney situation (and mind you I liked both those movies) but it rarely feels earned and mostly just feels sad. Having seen Akroyd try to revive Coneheads, try to revive Blues Brothers, try to revive Ghostbusters twice (with an actual sequel and with Evolution, which I also liked) it just doesn't work and it comes across as sad. I wish I could see these things the way he sees them, his passion is a thing of beauty but the studios never let that passion come through. Ghostbusters 3 would be more desperate and more depressing than any remake could be.

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I could see the half-reunion of the wrinkled GB as kinda...well, actually very depressing - but, it is all about casting and straight-up 'having your heart in the right place' in wanting to revisit this film franchise.


I think if done right- it could be a successful 'passing of the torch' venture. Casting is number 1. I'm just writing at the speed of thought - but - LOL - I can't think of it ever being successfully done: Has there been a 'passing of the torch' sequel that worked?

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  • 2 weeks later...


LOL!!! OMG - nooooooooooo...


(sigh) I was in for the FX...and the silly, action tone. Now, I fully expect to be cringing. I'm sure it's gonna have it's funny bits - but, I ain't gonna go if I know I'm gonna have my arms crossed and will be shaking my head. I will check this out - but...on Redbox. Just like that.






Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Paul Feig's Ghostbusters sequel could feature cities other than New York


"I’ve got a story in line,” Feig tells Empire of a potential next outing for the now fully-fledged ‘busters. It's one that may even take Erin (Kristen Wiig), Patty (Leslie Jones), Abby (Melissa McCarthy) and Jillian (Kate McKinnon) out of the Big Apple, in a franchise-first spot of long-distance parapsychology. "I might go to some other places too,” hints the movie’s director and co-writer.


"I’ve always steered clear of doing sequels just because I always liked to do new stuff,” continues Feig, "but this world is so rich and this cast is so great [that] I’d be open to it. There’s so much stuff that can be done.”


so, so down for this

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I saw this with NZA opening night and again today with Mom! It's even better the second time around. And this time I made sure to stay for the post-credit scene, which was a fun bit of fan service! I agree that Kate McKinnon is a scene-stealer, but she's also pretty polarizing. You'll either love her or find her annoying as shit.


Saw this on FB yesterday and it pretty much sums up why I loved it so much (but is also NOT to say men can't enjoy this movie too!):


Ghostbusters, an equation:

4 funny women over 30, where the panning shots are of their talented action and not sexualizing their bodies.


3 women with PhDs, and 1 with an encyclopedic knowledge of New York, who go into business for themselves and help each other get over craving validation from academia; all the while demonstrating that skill, talent, and knowledge can happen outside institutional systems of oppression.


2 friends who wrote a book together, and the central love story is a platonic love story.


1 queer artistic genius engineer with keen fashion sense that represents the mad scientist every little girl wanted to be growing up.


Why people in their 30s find themselves spontaneously crying at this movie, and this is why Ghostbusters is the signal that everything is changing.


More than anything, it's just really funny and entertaining as hell. And has some great action! It's a damn shame people are flat-out refusing to watch it for NO GOOD REASON.

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Yeah I think the next one needs to feature less improv. Kate was great but there were several times I felt they could've cut her little asides (the El Debarge dance number being the top of that list.) She's still better at that put-on over-the-top personality than Kristin Wiig will ever be, Wiig needs to stick to acting rather than mugging, she's much better at that which was why she was so good in this.


I love the idea of taking the Ghostbusters out of New York. (Shame Akroyd and Reitman never thought of it, Ghostbusters 2 might not've been a snore.) Though, in general, this movie seems a lot more franchise-friendly than the original.



The one thing I had an epiphany about today. I loved Kevin, he was great, but had his gender been reversed he would've been super offensive. I don't really have anything to add on that front but I'm sure it's a subject that the MRAs will run with.

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Glad to hear this wasn't a train-wreck. Definitely looking forward to Redboxing it - full hyper-analytical review in a few months. Spoiler - I wasn't a fan of the Jurassic World remake/reboot/sequel...or the unoriginality of The Force Awakens...but, I'm totally gonna give this a chance...at the price of a Redbox rental.


The 'remake/bursting-w/-nods-to-the-original vibe' I got totally turned me off seeing this in the theater - that Stay Puft appearance in the trailer was too much. Some movies you simply can't remake...Back to the Future is another one. Reserving judgement! Hoping to dig it! Just sharing my reasons/tastes as a super-fan and film-freak.

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It almost deliberately travels a different path from the original, it's a totally different thing for the most part. The Stay Puft Man and Slimer both make appearances during the big climax and neither one goes too far toward trying to recapture the thunder of the first. The Stay Puft especially is not even slightly a big deal. I think the biggest difference I noticed between the two is that in the original, everything serves the comedy. The horror, the action, the drama, it's all frills. No detail of Ghostbusters stands on its own without the comedy, which is why people generally file Ghostbusters under comedy. In the new one, the comedy kind of gets in the way part of the time. It's not that it's not funny or that the comedy is unwelcome, but the characters and the story stand better on their own. I know these Ghostbusters better than I knew Ray, Egon, and Winston (we got a pretty good glimpse of who Venkman was) and while the story kind of fizzles in the third act (and the villain really isn't much to speak about, it's telling that his best scenes are the ones where he's being played by Chris Hemsworth), there's just more substance than there was in the first even without the kickass monster dogs and naked demon ladies covered in soap bubbles.

Edited by Iambaytor
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I thought it was aiight.


I loved the women-empowerment/gender-swapping (KEVIN!) stuff. I thought it was very smart as a whole. I loved all the nods to the originals (not just the cameos), but it wasn't anywhere near as quotable as the original (or even the second). It had its moments, but also wasn't gut-busting funny.


I enjoyed it, but its a steadfast third on my list of Ghostbuster films.

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I'm with Panch, this is a solid third place in the realm of GB. (Fourth if we're counting the TV show.) I would put this at a C or C+ at best. :/

In the plus column, this film has an obvious respect for the original and it was fun playing spot the cameo.


Harold Ramis was my favorite nod. They were missing Rick Moranis and the guy that played Walter Peck, whom I think died. Right? It'd have been nice if Rick was in it though. He would've been great as the dean of the "University" they stole their equipment from.



...Kate Mckinnon steals the show...

Really? I found her one of the most disappointing aspects of the film. I like her on SNL, but she had zero depth and was just "goofy faced intro new weapons exposition gal" for this film. Lack of depth goes for most of the characters in this film, which is okay because you could say the same for a few of the characters in the original. However, they had personality. And personality goes a long way.

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Most disappointing? hm. She was built from the ground up to be a fun character. Everyone had a thing, (background etc) and yes that means some lack of depth for her but did she NEED to be explored more in the first movie? I don't think so. Her purpose is levity and in that aspect she succeeds greatly. Say what you want about that michael bay solo scene - that shit was fun to watch even if it felt slightly disconnected from the rest of the film.


I also claim some bias here - my gf is an engineer and she had the biggest smile on her face that there was a fun, strong engineer woman on screen. That made me happy.


She was this scientist/tank girl-esque character that made shit fun when horrible things were going down.


...plant for president 2040

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