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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Ok, for those of you who, like me, have countless hours of doing nothing, and must find something to entertain you, lest you turn into a homocidal maniac, there's a website I found a year or so ago.


You have GOT to check it out.


Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About


A few teasers here


Nothing keeps a relationship on its toes so much as lively debate. Fortunate, then, that my girlfriend and I agree on absolutely nothing. At all.


Combine utter, polar disagreement on everything, ever, with the fact that I am a text-book Only Child, and she is a violent psychopath, and we're warming up. Then factor in my being English while she is German, which not only makes each one of us personally and absolutely responsible for the history, and the social and cultural mores of our respective countries, but also opens up a whole field of sub-arguments grounded in grammatical and semantic disputes and, well, just try saying anything and walking away.


Examples? Okey-dokey. We have argued about:



-The way one should cut a Kiwi Fruit in half (along its length or across the middle).


-Leaving the kitchen door open (three times a day that one, minimum).


-The best way to hang up washing.


-Those little toothpaste speckles you make when you brush your teeth in front of the mirror.


-I eat two-fingered Kit-Kats like I'd eat any other chocolate bars of that size, i.e., without feeling the need to snap them into two individual fingers first. Margret accused me of doing this, 'deliberately to annoy her'.


-Which way - the distances were identical - to drive round a circular bypass (this resulted in her kicking me in the head from the back seat as I drove along).


-The amount of time I spend on the computer. (OK, fair enough.)


-First Born's name (Jonathan). Then, when that was settled...


-How to pronounce First Born's name.


-Our telephone number.


-Which type of iron to buy (price wasn't an issue, it was the principle, damnit).


-Where to sit in the cinema. On those occasions when we a) manage to agree to go to the cinema together and, b) go to see the same film once we're there. (No, really).


-Whether her cutting our son's hair comes under 'money-saving skill' or 'therapy in the making'.


-Shortly after every single time Margret touches my computer, for any reason whatsoever, I have to spend twenty minutes trying to fix crashes, locked systems, data loses, jammed drives, bizarre re-configurations and things stuck in the keyboard. There then follows a free and frank exchange of views with, in my corner, 'It's your fault,' and, in hers, 'It's a curious statistical anomaly.'

Edited by archangel
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Eating mixed nuts, I look down and there is something red and kind of oblong looked exactly like a roach. OMFG, I stand up and shake and do the get-it-off, get-it-off dance only to discover upon closer inspection that it's the skin from a peanut. :pinch: I'm such a spaz.

Edited by FireDownBelow
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"She said 'it’s really not my habit

To intrude

Furthermore, I hope my meaning

Won’t be lost or misconstrued

But I’ll repeat myself

At the risk of being crude:

There must be fifty ways

To leave your lover

Fifty ways to leave your lover...'"


- PPP,Actlikeuknow.jpg

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I wake up at 5am but turn my alarm off which is a bad thing as I fall back asleep and don't wake up until 5.30 and I still havn't finished packing and have to leave for the airport at 5.45 so I have a Marlboro, hop in the shower and throw what I can into my bag. I want to listen to Stern on the way to the airport but there's too many commercials and I end listening to some Top 40 shit and turning the station as soon as Green Day come on. Check-in is quick. Mickey Mouse ears are everywhere and that really annoys me but I don't let it get to me as it turns out waiting to get through security for 30 minutes takes it away the spanish-language instruction video that loops on the TVs above my head are alot worse. I get to the gate as they're calling my row and walk straight on. The flight isn't full so there's a space between me and the tatooed guy that orders 4 vodkas (straight) and 3 beers (heineken) at $5 a pop. I read the in-flight magazine then when allowed watch most of "Sonatine" on my laptop, the table it's on leaning on my legs. My feet go numb so I bang them. The landing is fairly bumpy and I feel nauseous and relieved when it's all over. I watch as everyone stands up when the fastentheseatbeltslight goes off but I don't yet as I know there's no point. Once the first few rows clear I stand up and press play on my CD player listening to Ted Leo as I walk off the plane walking with the music. I'm tired and keep veering off to the left which leads me to the bathroom which is good as the coffee I've had is bursting to get out and I run into the handicapped stall because the urinals are way too close together and I'm not in the mood to have my penis looked at this early in the morning but don't pull up the seat (it's disgusting) and end up pissing on it more than it already is. I think about wiping the seat for a minute, go to walk out then feel bad and take as much toilet-paper as I can and wipe it all up bile burning in my throat. I'm far from the baggage claim so by the time I get there my bag is already there so I grab it and head out for a smoke where a man with a Russian accent and dirty suit asks me if I need a taxi. I say "yeah" and he takes me to his car where I load my bags into the trunk. I ask him if taxi drivers hang out in terminals all the time and he corrects me by saying that it's a "car service" which is strange because earlier he called it a taxi. I want another smoke and he says I can have it in the car. As soon as I light up his lights up a cigar and we talk shit as we drive through Union Township then pass the mall. We get to the main street and it looks the same. It always looks the same.

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