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Hondo's Bar

MegaCon - Orlando, Florida


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Yeah, I heard NewT is sick... with broncitous (sp???) and pink eye or something... he's got two days to get better.


NewT feeel better, :ohface:



As for Panch, I thought he was in...? Man, I gotta pay attention more often...


and LL said that if she finished her 50 page paper in time she'd go... :eh::misty: :misty:

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Were about to head out, me, Sen, Newt & Jax, gonna pick up Junker and get over there by 1 - 2T (if that is your real name - id better see you in the line with a bottle of gin, sir. Call us by noon or so for the meetup, RA might make it today too.


This is gonna be awesome.

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I just woke up at home in bed. I have no idea what happened. Either that's a good thing or a bad thing.


Dear Arch,


I got a picture by Tim Buckley that says my girlf is worse than Hitler. Do something.





(P.S. I'm totally voting Guiliani - Rudy can't fail)


Next year remind me to sleep/no painkillers.


Jax is sex.

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Dear 2Track,


He obviously meant that for me, so I'll tell you what: give it to Nick so he can pass it to me, and I'll mail you a JW Blue Label as recompense. That should solve that problem quite nicely.


Hugs and Kisses,




(PS: I'm also backing Rudy-I figure he'd manage to bridge the divide and stop the polarization.)

(PPS: I plan to go there next year)


So, how went the first night?

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Tim Buckley was a very good sport. Margo Kidder got called a bitch, Lou Ferrigno wouldn't give 2T the time of day until he coughed up $20, which he thankfully did, cause Lou's just as big as ever. Much like the pictures from last year indicated, George Perez (note to Nick: NOT Lopez) was a cool ass guy (he remembered 2track from last year). The guy who did Space Ghost's voice was made very nervous by 2t's disposition. Once 2T paid, he tried to amuse 2T by drawing a fart cloud on his Darker Image #1 cover, but 2T was to far gone at that point.


Shame he had to go home and couldn't hang with us Saturday, but my life long dream has been realized.

2track is sex.

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Pardon the delay; Skeet said i couldnt come back till i had pics, and i had to develop them....digitally...in the future. its complicated.


Overall, this was a blast. The con itself was good, not as much fun as last year perhaps - i mostly just swiped $5 copies of Berserk, few things, but Newt bought enough for us both - and 2T, i dont even know he survived the day, truth be told. He was outta hand, even by his standards.


Before i get into the pics: much love to all that came through: Sen, El Jax, Newt, 2Track, Silent Bob, Ruby's Angel, love ya'll - and a shout-out to Bishop for lending me his PSP and Metal Gear: Portable Ops, the whole crew can atest how much i enjoyed that, when i wasnt getting killed.

A special thanks to Junker & Dinghy (as well as roomate Chris) for making our stay both hospitable and awesome. The day after the con, Saturday, completely housed last year's afterparty, a free trip to animal kingdom and then feature roles in a Zombie Western, where Jax and I were among the first zombies to fall in the finale to the prosthetic-legged cowboy, and i think Dinghy and Sen ("STAAAARS!!") were supposed to be among the horde that took him down, but sadly we ran outta time for the shoot by then. Still, it was crazy awesome and i cant wait to see how it turns out.


Here goes.




The oddysey begins! Sen takes the helm of the Smoothiemobile, surprisingly not bad on the gas.


We'll start with the crowd-pleasing 2T adventures.




Perez did not forget 2T.




Van Scrier wasnt as down about signing Darker Image # 1. I reminded 2T he got his humble start on fucking Cyber Frog and i belive 2T then called him a cunt, but i could be wrong.




I waited a half-hour to tell Finch i liked his work on The Call even if the book was shit, but gave up hope after some assfuck wanted like 30 copies of Ascension signed. 2T thankfully said fuck all that and skipped everybody, and no one batted an eye. He did the right thing.




Here, he mayve done the wrong thing, if you think telling Louis Lane "I think you're a bitch" is the wrong thing. This was right up there with the Sugar Hill Gang's infamous "He's a fairy, i do suppose, flying through the air in pantyhose..." for me.




Daredevil got dryhumped. His senses did nothing to stop this.




I swear to god Nightwing yelled "get him off of me!" right before i snapped this one. So, in conclusion, "One Year Later" his character just made out with 2T. DC's really going downhill.




I hate that my camera (like my vision) went blurry; this is the most telling 2T shot of all. Jax is observing from a safe, drunken distance as 2T is moments from shoving some Final Fantasy cosplay instrument up his bum (sorry i missed that shot, i was laughing too hard) and Sen is clearly walking away and giving up on her default chaparone duties. Priceless.




Speaking of Sen, Perez felt up my grrl. Damn you, Perez! :groucho: That was my contribution to ACTOR right there.




Special Edition DVD.


Cosplay time.




Nightwing was in the bathroom, yelling something about how the dirt wouldnt come off.




My personal favorite. Id so go as Deadpool for halloween if i could.




Doom had no need for proper pants. Im serious, he was wearing jogging ones, ask SB.




a S.T.A.R.S. officer talks to a cat with a dozen tails, or something. I dont know. Friday's apparently not as big as Saturday for cosplay and i still havent gotten over Panch killing the 06 pictures that had a perfect Boss & Naked Snake.




Iron Spidey! The less said, the better.


Saturday: Animal Kingdom (monkey mockumentary and duck harmony video forthcoming)




Fuckin' tigers, man.




This is an okapi, apparently. My favorite bit was when the old zoo guy was saying it comes from a something something and some kid said "zebra!" and he yelled "ZEBRA'S GOT NOTHIN TO DO WITH IT, PUNK." I added the punk part for effect.




This bird is loud as fuck and will not be ignored.




Fish: the new vagina.




Non-harmonizing ducks.




Also, Kertins.


Zombie Nation




Here's where the makeup was being done; they brought people in from Halloween Horror Nights to help, and some of them did a great job. Others just made you look abused...you'll see. For the most part, this was way more production overall than we were expecting, which was cool.




Jax was very selective about his attire. Notice the lesbians reading Poe off to the side.




My baby can fuck a sammich up.




Newt not want be zombie.

Itchy itchy Alex came ugly face so killed him. Tasty.




Jax & Junker in between makeup phases.




Junker wasnt sharing his spaghetti for shit.




Mariam was so very proud of her bulge, she insisted on this shot. That's calendar '09 material right there.




Miss Mariam & I.




If youve ever seen the original Ju-On: The Curse, youd know why Dinghy scared the shit out of me here.




Dinghy: the final phase.




Sen, special guest roomate Chris & Dinghy!




My David Bowie shot.




Were a happy, socially misaligned couple.




Junker & Dinghy: The other Zombie couple.




Even the undead have the customary irish "domestic disagreements".




....but we work it out, after some compromsing, and some flesh.




Finally, the Hondo's shot, after some random dick got edited out.


PS BONUS! got the movies, here's to hoping they work:



This was so awesome. Theyre harmonizing, i swear...its 2 ducks sounding like 1. It made me dance.



Monkeys in the mist


PPS here's that one Sen posted elsehwere, Jax giving 2T the Hot Costner:



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Wow, that was a blast.


Nick, you seemed tanner than usual in those last sets of pics. Ben spending some time in a UV bed?


ANyways, it sucks that you get to hang out with my sister at Megacon and I'm stuck here in Guyana. ANd being in the movie scenes seemed cool as hell.


Is that 2track on the right in the plaid shirt in the final group shot? ANd why are all the other pics of 2track of his back? And what's 2track's name, since I feel weird refering to him constantly as 2track.


Also, Blaze Byrne posted saying that she was going too. DId you meet up with her?


And FINALLY, I just HAVE to hear this Margot Kidder story...

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1) if i had a dollar for every time i heard a whitey joke from the makeup, i coulda bought that Thor (simonson) hardcover.


2) hey, i felt the same way with the junker/dinghy pics with you in guyana, man.


3) Nah, 2T couldnt join us on saturday, sadly. And only his back cause he was constantly in motion, causing a ruckus.


4) ...who? and BB is a her?


and that tale, ill save for the others present; after 2T got Lou Ferrigno (sp?) to sign, i was just taking pics in awe from a distance.


ps 2T, you may not recall, but you sent me off to find you a good $5 TPB and then you left whilst i did...i still got it when youre ready man.

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Glad you guys liked em - quoting them for the new page, then unpinning this thread, ill do a new one for next year so its not as massive.

Wanted to make sure Newt, 2T and everyone got their copies of these pics too, and the rest of hondo's gets to see em.


PS comment on the duck video


Pardon the delay; Skeet said i couldnt come back till i had pics, and i had to develop them....digitally...in the future. its complicated.


Overall, this was a blast. The con itself was good, not as much fun as last year perhaps - i mostly just swiped $5 copies of Berserk, few things, but Newt bought enough for us both - and 2T, i dont even know he survived the day, truth be told. He was outta hand, even by his standards.


Before i get into the pics: much love to all that came through: Sen, El Jax, Newt, 2Track, Silent Bob, Ruby's Angel, love ya'll - and a shout-out to Bishop for lending me his PSP and Metal Gear: Portable Ops, the whole crew can atest how much i enjoyed that, when i wasnt getting killed.

A special thanks to Junker & Dinghy (as well as roomate Chris) for making our stay both hospitable and awesome. The day after the con, Saturday, completely housed last year's afterparty, a free trip to animal kingdom and then feature roles in a Zombie Western, where Jax and I were among the first zombies to fall in the finale to the prosthetic-legged cowboy, and i think Dinghy and Sen ("STAAAARS!!") were supposed to be among the horde that took him down, but sadly we ran outta time for the shoot by then. Still, it was crazy awesome and i cant wait to see how it turns out.


Here goes.




The oddysey begins! Sen takes the helm of the Smoothiemobile, surprisingly not bad on the gas.


We'll start with the crowd-pleasing 2T adventures.




Perez did not forget 2T.




Van Scrier wasnt as down about signing Darker Image # 1. I reminded 2T he got his humble start on fucking Cyber Frog and i belive 2T then called him a cunt, but i could be wrong.




I waited a half-hour to tell Finch i liked his work on The Call even if the book was shit, but gave up hope after some assfuck wanted like 30 copies of Ascension signed. 2T thankfully said fuck all that and skipped everybody, and no one batted an eye. He did the right thing.




Here, he mayve done the wrong thing, if you think telling Louis Lane "I think you're a bitch" is the wrong thing. This was right up there with the Sugar Hill Gang's infamous "He's a fairy, i do suppose, flying through the air in pantyhose..." for me.




Daredevil got dryhumped. His senses did nothing to stop this.




I swear to god Nightwing yelled "get him off of me!" right before i snapped this one. So, in conclusion, "One Year Later" his character just made out with 2T. DC's really going downhill.




I hate that my camera (like my vision) went blurry; this is the most telling 2T shot of all. Jax is observing from a safe, drunken distance as 2T is moments from shoving some Final Fantasy cosplay instrument up his bum (sorry i missed that shot, i was laughing too hard) and Sen is clearly walking away and giving up on her default chaparone duties. Priceless.




Speaking of Sen, Perez felt up my grrl. Damn you, Perez! :pinch: That was my contribution to ACTOR right there.




Special Edition DVD.


Cosplay time.




Nightwing was in the bathroom, yelling something about how the dirt wouldnt come off.




My personal favorite. Id so go as Deadpool for halloween if i could.




Doom had no need for proper pants. Im serious, he was wearing jogging ones, ask SB.




a S.T.A.R.S. officer talks to a cat with a dozen tails, or something. I dont know. Friday's apparently not as big as Saturday for cosplay and i still havent gotten over Panch killing the 06 pictures that had a perfect Boss & Naked Snake.




Iron Spidey! The less said, the better.


Saturday: Animal Kingdom (monkey mockumentary and duck harmony video forthcoming)




Fuckin' tigers, man.




This is an okapi, apparently. My favorite bit was when the old zoo guy was saying it comes from a something something and some kid said "zebra!" and he yelled "ZEBRA'S GOT NOTHIN TO DO WITH IT, PUNK." I added the punk part for effect.




This bird is loud as fuck and will not be ignored.




Fish: the new vagina.




Non-harmonizing ducks.




Also, Kertins.


Zombie Nation




Here's where the makeup was being done; they brought people in from Halloween Horror Nights to help, and some of them did a great job. Others just made you look abused...you'll see. For the most part, this was way more production overall than we were expecting, which was cool.




Jax was very selective about his attire. Notice the lesbians reading Poe off to the side.




My baby can fuck a sammich up.




Newt not want be zombie.

Itchy itchy Alex came ugly face so killed him. Tasty.




Jax & Junker in between makeup phases.




Junker wasnt sharing his spaghetti for shit.




Mariam was so very proud of her bulge, she insisted on this shot. That's calendar '09 material right there.




Miss Mariam & I.




If youve ever seen the original Ju-On: The Curse, youd know why Dinghy scared the shit out of me here.




Dinghy: the final phase.




Sen, special guest roomate Chris & Dinghy!




My David Bowie shot.




Were a happy, socially misaligned couple.




Junker & Dinghy: The other Zombie couple.




Even the undead have the customary irish "domestic disagreements".




....but we work it out, after some compromsing, and some flesh.




Finally, the Hondo's shot, after some random dick got edited out.


PS BONUS! got the movies, here's to hoping they work:



This was so awesome. Theyre harmonizing, i swear...its 2 ducks sounding like 1. It made me dance.



Monkeys in the mist


PPS here's that one Sen posted elsehwere, Jax giving 2T the Hot Costner:



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