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John from Cincinnatti is the surfing project David Milch is doing. But most reports of Deadwood's cancellation have placed the blame almost entirely on HBO. I don't know what if anything Milch did to provoke the cancellation but for a while he seemed pretty determined to fight it (the promised 2 films is the "compromise" he was able to get from HBO). I'm sure he had something to do with the decision on some level but I don't think it was as simple as him wanting to move on to something else. Especially considering that Deadwood was always planned as a four-year series. The series finale has been planned out since before the first episode aired. If Milch really wanted to move onto another project, it would seem kinda weird that he'd drop his current one with only one more season left to go.

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  • 8 months later...
Comics2Film has heard a few more tidbits of info about the 'Preacher' series at HBO.


Turns out director Howard Deutch is no longer on the project. Deutch, who previously worked with Mark Steven Johnson on 'Grumpier Old Men', had been set to direct the initial episode since the development of the project was announced last November. His attachment raised a few eyebrows among fans as the director is not really known for helming edgy material like a 'Preacher' show would have to be.


So who is lined up to bring Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon's shocking tale of angels and demons in the American west to Home Box Office?


Word is Robert Rodriguez is circling the project and he's just one of many top-shelf directors interested in the series.




Rodriguez is the only person I've wanted on Preacher. Fuck you little Terry Gilliam cocksuckers. Even if only for one episode, the pilot is the episode which shapes all the rest in many ways so if RR only did that and no more episodes it'd still be okay 'cause it'd be from his template.


Now let's just hope that HBO get off their fucking asses and GREEN LIGHT this shit already.

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Fuck you little Terry Gilliam cocksuckers.

Man, just reading his name reminds me of when this chick dragged me to see The Brothers Grimm. I hope he was able to buy three whores a night for the rest of his life with the paycheck he got for directing that crap. It was like having my soul raped.


RR would be great.

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fuck off, Brazil was brilliant.


Yeah it was...20 years ago. The guy hasn't made a good film since Fear & Loathing, and that's almost a decade ago now. Gilliam has more imagination than a dozen other directors combined, but he's not always reliable when it comes to translating that imagination into something that works on-screen. With Preacher, all the good stuff's already been imagined by Ennis and Dillon, we just need someone capable of bringing that craziness to life. RR would be a fine choice.

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So Preacher is still a ways away from being cast, but the search for directors is heating up. Mark Steven Johnson, who is pretty much heading up the project, hopes to set the tone for the series with a big-big name director on the pilot, and then bring even more into the mix from episode to episode. Robert Rodriguez is, indeed, one of the first people that they're in talks with. Want to hear some of the other names that are being courted or are already interested? How about Carlos Fresnadillo (Intacto, 28 Weeks Later), Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, Sunshine), Alex Proyas (The Crow, Dark City), David Cronenberg (Videodrome, A History of Violence) and Brian De Palma (The Untouchables, Scarface).


Ok, seriously, think about that. Brian De Palma directing Preacher. Just...think about it.


It's beautiful, isn't it?

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again, ive got the supposedly-written-by-ennis script at my place if anybody ever wants to read it. id make copies, but its bound.

Imagine Gone to Texas, the first half, wrapped up neatly in like an hour and a half, with some slight changes for Cass and a final fight that ive repressed for years now.

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  • 5 years later...

I was sure we had a Preacher movie thread, but I can't find it.


Producer Neal Moritz Gives Updates On THE BOYS And PREACHER Adaptations



After the jump, check out what producer Neal Moritz (R.I.P.D., The Green Hornet) had to say about the upcoming film adaptations of The Boys and Preacher during a little chat with the guys over at Collider.


WesleyGibson - 4/25/2013



During an interview with Collider, producer Neal Moritz had the chance to give us a little update on where two anticipated comic book adaptaions are headed right now. When asked about the film based on the Preacher series of graphic novels written by Garth Ennis, he mentions that they are trying to get it to the silver screen. "We’re actually talking about a little different direction on it. It is a priority, but it’s one of those that is—a very hard movie to get made in Hollywood today. But we’re really working on it." As for the adaptation of The Boys (also written by Garth Ennis), he simply says: "The Boys we’re working on with Adam McKay right now. He would love to do it and we’re in the middle of working on it right now." Stay tuned to CBM for more possible news on both projects. For the full interview with Moritz concerning other upcoming projects, hit the source link below.


Read more at http://www.comicbook...wHSrHPZJWf6S.99


I like the idea of a tv series much more than a movie. But at this stage, given HBO thought it was too extreme, I'd just rather they left it alone.

Edited by alive she cried
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