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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Must...resist urge...to directly reply to other people's Blargh posts...

So awesome....


Click quote, copy and paste, exit this thread go to one called "Finger Wag Reply Thread" and paste into a response there, then add your reply and click submit or whatever it's called.


Apparently, you get lynched if you respond to a post on here and not on finger wag, so you're better off just following the set rules and guidelines of hondo's which don't exist.

Edited by SpunkyMonkey
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This interview with Stephanie Myer just makes me madder and madder as it goes on.


First I was insulted and mildly pissed as a person who writes horror, then I was pissed as someone who reads horror, then I was pissed as someone who reads, then I was pissed off and insulted as a human being. Name-dropping Orson Scott Card was the only good thing she does in there. I mean hell, J.K. Rowling may be a greedy plargiarist but at least she can write.


Some Highlights:


Have you read Bram Stoker's Dracula?


No, but it's on the list. I should've read that one a long time ago, but right now I can't read any vampire novels. I tried, after I wrote Twilight, to read The Historian, because it was the big thing that summer. But I can't read other people's vampires. If it's too close [to my writing], I get upset; if it's too far away, I get upset. It just makes me very neurotic.


On the list...? The woman who wrote the most retarded vampire book ever and made even Anne Rice look good by comparison hasn't even read the most popular vampire story in the history of ever?


Is it true you've never seen a vampire movie?


I've seen little pieces of Interview with a Vampire when it was on TV, but I kind of always go YUCK! I don't watch R-rated movies, so that really cuts down on a lot of the horror. And I think I've seen a couple of pieces of The Lost Boys, which my husband liked, and he wanted me to watch it once, but I was like, It's creepy!


... :uhm:


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What do you listen to when you're writing?


STEPHENIE MEYER: [For a while], it was almost exclusively Linkin Park. Linkin Park is fantastic for action scenes, because it just has that beat that drives the momentum of the writing. [Writing] New Moon, I listened to a lot more Muse all the time. Muse is my favorite band, and they're really good for writing because they've got an angsty kind of emotion. The new book [Eclipse] was perky; I listened to OK Go and Gomez.




It's nice of you to answer a few questions from a 12-year-old fan.


Oh no, you know what? I've developed this humongous love for 12-year-old girls! They have the best questions, and they're so into the stories. You really can't write for a better audience. I say to all other authors: If you're not writing for teenage girls, you're missing out on a lot of love.


That's actually good advice. If you want an audience that will never be able to pick out why your books are all literary abortions then no better audience exists.

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To further pick apart Meyer....

And there aren't a lot of girls in literature that are normal.

No probably not if you don't read much yourself.


Another thing is that Bella's a good girl, which is just sort of how I imagine teenagers, because that's how my teenage years were.





But then I also have this other novel that's probably a [young adult] story about mermaids,


No. please. just stop. I don't want to see adult women wearing merman shirts proclaiming there love for fictional creatures. Vampires...it's enough.


Lily wonders, ''Did you, like, put a drug in your books that makes them addictive and impossible to put down, or is that just called really good writing?''


Lily needs to be bitch slapped. Really hard. With razors.

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No. please. just stop. I don't want to see adult women wearing merman shirts proclaiming there love for fictional creatures. Vampires...it's enough.

Lily needs to be bitch slapped. Really hard. With razors.


Yeah the mermaids had me disturbed beyond all words. She's probably never read the little mermaid either, and she saw the Disney movie but she peaked through her fingers cause it was "scary."


And yes, Lily annoyed me almost as much as Stephanie herself. The sad thing is, Lily has the excuse that she is 12, and thus, retarded. But word-for-word she's the picture of all the Stephanie Myer fans up into her tweens.


She's a fucking MORMON TOO!


Orson Scott Card is a Mormon and he's not a twat or a bad writer, so that can't be her excuse.

Edited by Iambaytor
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Yeah the mermaids had me disturbed beyond all words. She's probably never read the little mermaid either, and she saw the Disney movie but she peaked through her fingers cause it was "scary."


And yes, Lily annoyed me almost as much as Stephanie herself. The sad thing is, Lily has the excuse that she is 12, and thus, retarded. But word-for-word she's the picture of all the Stephanie Myer fans up into her tweens.

Orson Scott Card is a Mormon and he's not a twat or a bad writer, so that can't be her excuse.

No but she's trying to write a horror novel...nothing against people being mormons but she hasn't had much experience with the genre if this is what her ideas of vampires are.

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If you ever happen to be lucky enough to be playing Scrabble and get this board with these tiles:




I recommend playing the word 'sesquioxizing'




Between your 50 point bonus for playing all 7 tiles, your 3 triple word scores and 2 double letter scores, each of which play on the word 'sesquioxizing' as well as the second word they form, and scores from such words as jabberwocks, talaq, leylandii, portmanteaux, overcompensated, fritz, and highfaluting, you'll get 2044 points in a single turn. Just sayin'.

Edited by Reverend Jax
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No but she's trying to write a horror novel...nothing against people being mormons but she hasn't had much experience with the genre if this is what her ideas of vampires are.


She pretty much wrote a book about a bunch of creatures that are half incubi and half David Bowie.

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