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Blargh - The Random Thread


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i think I'm gonna be sick.


These fucking monkeys!  Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahddammit.


boys.... monkeys..... monkeys..... monkeys!!!!!!



who are you?  why are you in my house?  I  don't know you!   I'm calling the cops now.... Until they get here I'm going to throw stinking cat litter on you until you agree to vaccuum up the mess you made me make on my carpet you fucking slob.



I'm not done yet! Where's my fucking mouse?  if you pee on your mouse, what color does it turn?

Oh good, then, you're not pregnant.  But you will be someday.  And he's gonna weigh 18 pounds at birth you crazy 56%-gay schlop.  Half assed lesbian you turned out to be.  do lesbians even like assing?  what's an assing?  Should I ask my gay buddy?  Do you think he'll know?  Do I wanna know if he tells me?  What's wrong with you? You need to have more compassion for gay people!  Insensitive prick!   Ask Bacchus to say "cock" -- he says it right.  Then insert that ----here----.  



Who the fuck are you?  Why are you in my house?




















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i think I'm gonna be sick.


These fucking monkeys!  Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahddammit.


fellated assholes....  monkeys.....  monkeys..... I should neglect your porkhole. monkeys!!!!!!



who are you? You've got ten seconds.  why are you in my juicy house? Well?  I  don't know you!   I'm calling the fucking cops now.... Are you ready to burn? Until them poo pirates get here I'm going to throw stinking cat litter on you and your monkey until you agree to fuckin' vaccuum up the fucking mess you and your hand-job made my stupid ass make on my stinky carpet you and your hand-job fucking slob.



I'm not done yet! Where the fuck's my piece of shit fucking mouse? ANSWER ME, or I WILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT.  if you pee on your sorry mouse, fuckin' what color does that shit turn?

Oh GOOD, then, bastard,, you and your hand-job're not pregnant. You are a cream-filled cracked fuckmonster.  But you and your sluts will be someday.   And he's gonna weigh 18 pounds at birth you and your sluts crazy 56%-gay schlop.   Half assed lesbian you turned out to fuckin' be.   do lesbians even like assing? Fuckin' you should know.


fuckin' what's an assing? I want answers.  Should I ask my fucking gay buddy? Fuckin' you should know.  Do you think he'll know? Answer me, dammnit.  Do I wanna know if he tells me? That's the fucking question.  Fuckin' what's fucked-up with you? Truth be told, I don't even give a shit. You and your monkey need to have more compassion for gay people!  Insensitive prick!   Ask Bacchus to fuckin' say "cock" -- he says that shit right.   Then insert that ----here----.  



Who the fucking fuck are you? Rhetoric doesn't suit us, though. Wanna get smoked? ¨¶¥J©»J©R©J©.›i©b©i©r©i©z©i©€©i©‡©i©“©


  Burned by the Burnmaker!

* http://toy.thespark.com/burn *


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We should see the gates by mornin'

We should be inside the evenin'


Sun, sun, sun!

Burn, burn, burn!


Soon, soon, soon

Moon, moon, moon

I will get you






Gotta finish most of my movie filming today, that sun better stay up there nice and long...

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I've contacted someone that I've always wanted

I've contacted someone that I've always wanted to meet

We'll talk about reality, you and me

We'll talk about cruel, cruel reality.


This from a band with an album called 'Hope is Important'?!


Nevertheless, Idlewild kick serious ass musically, they better play Ireland!

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Damnit, I've to go to bed, I've to get up to get ready for work in 4 hours...well just one more thread to reply in, best for last...and before you say, and I know you can't say anyway, but I know and acknowledge I do have a problem....so I'm quitting my job tomorrow so I can spend my every waking hour online!! :D

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Another thought brought to you by Super Eeyore:



Maddness is the Magical word for this group of people and its followers.......


:emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions: :emotions:



:D ::waves white flag in the air::

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...and that should bout top off my final philsophy essay, outside of the final exam ones anyway.  Been a suprisingly long road, but interestin at least.

For all ive read, i wonder how much i really learned..? i recall knowin a whole lot more before this major.



...now i know why Socrates drank the hemlock.  :D :D

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I've been hassled by "the man" all day!  First they kick us out of teh construction site we're filming the movie in, then later at nigh, we get pulled over going the speed limit cause we looked suspicious I guess.  


Officer:  "Are you nervous?  You have nothign to be nervous about if you did nothing wrong"

me:  "Well, um, you pulled us over for, like, a reason, didn't you?"

Officer:  "When you're nervous it makes me nervous."

me:  "well, I don't know what to tell you...you've got the gun, you know... heh... heh..."

::Tells me to take stuff out of my pockets::

Officer:  You have lots of stuff in your pockets.

me:  uh... yeah, apparently so.

Officer: why?

me: uh... no reason really, lots of change I guess, some starlight mints...

Officer:  Where you coming from?

me: lakes of the medow, we were dropping off a friend

officer:  Who?

me: um... he's not here... because we dropped him off see...  

officer: No, who's the friend?

me: uh... andy... nice guy, kinda pudgy, big metal fan, I mean... you dont know him.

officer:  Why are they sitting in the back of the van?

me: Well, there's only two seats up front... where else would they sit?


and on and on till the man finally decided he had gotten his kicks and left us the hell alone.  fuck the police... fuck, fuck, fuck the police... fuck em!

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Anger - No replyin to threads!

PS since we violated that rule already, can we get a lil more random that just quotin music lyrics? Christ.  Fine, my turn.

Ya'll know that techno dance song? You know, the one with the drums and like 3 or 4 beats goin at once, it goes "doo doo, doodoodoodoodoodoo, do doo doo..." etc? Fuck, you people know the one.

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Increase Your Nerd Power - part 1 of...well probably 1


Ok you can be dishevelled, but when was the last time anyone complimented you on being hevelled? Always looking at the negative!


And how come inflammable means very flammable?!


And verbosity. You can be verbose but you never hear of people that are nounose or adjectivose?

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random conversation I had on the metrorail


"I speak Yiddish, you know."


"Say something in yiddish"


"Only dogs can hear yiddish"


"um... ok, go and tell that dog to sit in yiddish"


"I said dogs could hear it, not understand it, it's a tricky language"

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Did you ever think legos could be used in psychoanalysis?


 I get a box of legos today, me and my friends start building stuff... one builds a house, one builds a cool robot, the other built a plane... I come out with a lego gallows... with a guy hanging from a chain and everything...


 um... ok, try again, boat, elephant, motorcycle... car!  There we go, a car is pretty normal... too bad there's a woman in the trunk with her legs sticking out...


They brought out the point that that probably says something about a person, of course, I have no clue what they were talking about.  :D

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"Us Indians... we've gotta look tough, you know?  You can't just walk around with that dumb grin on your face, they'll walk all over you.  You've gotta look like you just came back from killing a bear."


"But, our tribe didn't hunt bears, we mainly fished."


"What? You want to look like you just came back from fishing?  Who do you think you are?  Dances with Salmon?"

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