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Hondo's Bar

new logo maybe???


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Alright, so, our current logo (as seen on the front page is sharp, but i was toying with the idea of switching out "whores" for either "discussion" or "dialogue", whichever would look best there.

Im being told its trick to fit an even-numbered word there, given the centering of the text. Ive tought of using a "&" like 2track's logo did...anyway, im looking for other alliteration themes (alliteration being: matt murdock, peter parker, bruce banner, etc), so if not "drinks & discussion", what do you think'd go well there?

I was also thinking of making/having made a bar across the top holding it up, like a pub sign.

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...on that note...

there's been some opposition to my chaning the "whores" part of ye old hondo's sign...some people think we should leave it as it is. I was thinkin of tryin to conjure up a new logo, and havin a poll.

So, those that arent as big on the whorin'...its it a "work-friendly" issue? Since weve said how to disalbe signatures (to hide oppai's wonderful, wonderful boobies :D ) what other work-friendly issues are you havin? Im assumin you dont go into "hot guys" or nothin over there...

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as far as work goes i just go in through the hondosbar.com/forum so i dont have to see the front page. ive disabled the signatures and when i go into the pimp hand i have to scroll fast twards the bottom to hide the nasty girl that 2t's pimping. the hot girls thread is off limits even tho i have no interests in there and depending on whats in the hot guys thread thats a no no too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

*sigh* fair enough...so, dante, outta curioisty, how hard would it be to change "whores" to "discussion"? Could that be made to fit right? That'd be the ideal thing,but if not, i gotta look into other words, like "dialogue" and such...lemme know what ya think man.

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sure I can change it. If you can tell me the font you used even better, but I can find a close match if you forgot. And tell me if you want to change it to "DRUNKS", "FORUM", "DISCUSSIONS" (although it might be too long)... or another variant of "WH*RES" :D

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sure I can change it. If you can tell me the font you used even better, but I can find a close match if you forgot. And tell me if you want to change it to "DRUNKS", "FORUM", "DISCUSSIONS" (although it might be too long)... or another variant of "WH*RES"  :D



Whores could be changed to wh0r3z, or uh pr0n.


: D

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