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Blargh - The Random Thread


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ugh...one more day of shopping. Why in the hell do I do this every year?!


I don't have any patience when it comes to driving, it's like that Goofy cartoon where he's an upstanding citizen on foot, but turns into a monster when he gets behind the wheel. Maybe not that bad...but it's only because other people are asshole drivers.


Yeah, that's a good excuse. Blame my behavior on the habits of others. :D

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    "Livejournal is a site where people who don't have any friends can spend hours writing fucking inane journal entries and then pretend that they have friends who want to read them. It's a great system because it keeps the loonies off the goddamn streets. With Livejournal around, you can read about some guy who is complaining that Cap'n Crunch slices open the roof of his mouth when he eats it. If Livejournal didn't exist, you would be walking down the street and meet the same guy screaming at the top of his lungs and trying to stab you in the face with a hammer."

    --from "Chris" at somethingawful.com

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