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Hondo's Bar


Town Sheriff
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Status Updates posted by The NZA

  1. damn, its so awesome to see you, man! Its been forever, benny...keep us in the loop, and dont go nowhere man, youve been missed, m'friend.

  2. hows the DFT/WTF? crowd taking the impending move, by the way?

  3. more like Cinammon Toast Chlamydia.


  4. Welcome to Hondo's! Not quite sure how you found us, but glad you did. Make yourself at home, introduce yourself in Town Square when you can, and be sure to read the F.A.Q. - welcome on in!

  5. Hey, happy birthday man, hope its a good one.

  6. oh, you little scallywag, laurenorz. if only i had AIM access at work, im certain i coudl find you, but sadly, im left with your comment box as you scamper about. We eagerly await your return here, love.

  7. Pssh....you aint met no Talib.

    "I says im 19, she says STOP LYIN'. "

  8. starting fresh, i see. You know, i like it, but i keep meaning to ask: is that Makuso? Mind you, still never played Shining Force II.

  9. your face is lame...so, you tell me, sir, who is it? i cheated & asked bish. Point is, its a Fury rip if ive ever seen one.

  10. hey, were you the cool guy over at the party from the other day? if so, good to have you on board, man! if not, uh, im sure you're an alright guy anyway.

  11. it was really good having you by, missy, props on your recent recruits as well! and yeah, im just happy to not have what looked like an extraterrestrial dong by my firm, inviting buttocks.

  12. oh, the littlest kertins. i bet you thought id be so predicatble, that youd hear your little phono-phono ringing at 2 minutes after 11, with the sweet chimes of "Cash Rules Everything Around Me", didnt you? How very wrong you were. I have truly shown you, this night.

  13. while im fucking talking to myself here, a) nice fury avatar, and b) wheres' that gaming blog? i see no lnks.

    PS thanks for the whole "make a jap account, its not hard dumbass", that was exactly the kinda help skeet needed.

  14. Welcome to Hondo's! Introduce yourself over in Town Square, and make yourelf at home, we've a great crowd.

    PS the FAQ shall not be ignored.

  15. glad you got back alright; any chance for a reveiw of china in the culture forum sometime?

  16. you know, Lycaon industries never did refund my investment. Its attrocious.

  17. it does indeed suck to be sober tonight.

    it truly does.

  18. hey, uh, not so that youd notice, but there's mutiny in fight club. You called down the thunder, and alla that.

  19. Wait, so, you go all boob-on-boob with Ario's chick, then dissapear?!

  20. Ireland, eh? That's so 2003. You know what's hip for '08? miami, son.

  21. where'd you wander off to anyway, man? we got a proper Irish Chapter going these days, and one of our old-schoolers is nowhere to be found. fuckin tragic.

  22. helluva screename you got there, by the way.

  23. come back, c-rip. we started a fan club & everything!!

  24. i wonder how you been, man? hope you're alright.

  25. LIKE HELL YOU ARE!! that's all i can stands, i cant stands no more!!

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