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Via IGN:


Last night's Season 2 premiere episode of AMC's The Walking Dead delivered more adults in the 18-49 demo (and 25-54) than any other basic cable drama in TV history.


With 7.3 total million viewers (11 million total for the night), the episode "What Lies Ahead" drew in about 36-38% more than the Season 1 average.


"The Walking Dead is one of those rare television programs that reaches both a core genre fan as well as broad audiences simply looking for a great, character-based story. We're so proud of and grateful for the amazing team on both sides of the camera who works so hard and is so committed to making this a unique programming event," said Charlie Collier, AMC's president. "That The Walking Dead is now the most watched drama in the history of basic cable is staggering, just like our zombies."

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Well it was certainly gross, and continues in the direction of everyone being retarded while all the women look like varying shades of Linda Hamilton. I mean would it really kill them to give us one MILF or even not have Andrea be in her goddamned 50's?

Actually, I thought Andrea was lookin' pretty good this episode. Zombie slayin' puts about +3 hotness points on her. Too bad she cried like a bitch during and after; that's -2pts. So she's up one in my book.


And was that final scene in the comics? I decided not to re-read the comics as to keep the series as fresh as possible for me. And I'll be damned if those last three minutes didn't shock the hell outta me.



I also dig the Shane Laurie dynamic going on. And Laurie's speech near the end of the episode made me respect her series character more. Apparently it did so for Andrea as well.



Also, anyone else noticing Daryl is way more of a team player since the CDC? I mean, you almost forget the guy was a neo-Nazi prior to the Zombiepocalypse. Then you see the SS logo on his chopper and can't help but remember. But it's obvious they're softening up his harsher edges. Ditto goes for his character bio on the official website.

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Agreed on Daryl. I'm still on the fence about him, but I think it is safe to say he is way less of a dick than ol' brotha Merle (still M.I.A.).

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I really really really want Shane to bite the dust this season, but that seems unlikely the way he's been played up in interviews and on the show itself.



P.S. for those that happened to miss season 1, netflix now has the entire season for instant streaming in slow buffering glorious HD so there is no excuse not to watch (unless you, y'know, don't have netflix)

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JZA - retarded how? thought Rick's plan was as good as it got, on the fly anyway. the highway scene was doomed from its inception, but made for some great tension.

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haku - Andrea doesn't become a badass overnight; she just lost her sister and i liked the awful scene of her scolding Dale for saving her. she's learning how to clean weapons & wants a gun, give her time! another short season, but im betting someone fucks up & leaves her with a rifle by its end & discovers the best shooter on the team.



great episode, and yeah, dont care that the boondock saint suddenly had a change of heart; he's like their most valuable player (which means he's prolly not long for this world, sadly).

from the comics:

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did anyone else see rick, shane & the kid going into the forest and think "oh shit, here's where it goes down for shane"? cause sen called it right as i was thinking it. the direction they went in felt like mindfucking fans of the book - speaking of, for hakus: no, i wanna say they came across Hershel's farm in other circumstances, but it damn sure wasn't the kid being shot, i think. i can go check if anything.


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Someone's already called Shane the Lafeyette of the series, right? I also wanted to comment earlier on Darryl's attitude changes too- it's clear that they're really pushing the utility of his character & upping the likeability just to create more impact when he inevitably bites it(because let's face it: he's always going to trail behind Tyrese as WD's most beloved supporting character). Oh, and T-dawg or w/e the fuck that minstrel's name is still needs to die with a quickness. Back to Shane though:

Evidently they've dismissed out of hand the idea of simply having Shane end his days as a terrible cautionary tale like in the comic because, when you look at the book the passage of time was a lot shorter, and Shane more or less snapped as soon as Rick showed up. In series on the other hand, he's kind of dealing with it as they go along not to mention Lori the echo-cunted whore was still trying to have her cake and eat it too(correct me if I'm wrong here but, in-comic it was a once-off liason that resulted in the kid, right?). Chances are there might be a power struggle down the road




NZA- re; zombie tactics- I see a situation like that with a bank of cars on a highway? I'm moving slowly forward syphoning fuel & looting parts, clearing a path as we go and hitting whatever raises it's head with something heavy. It's not like they're going anywhere in a hurry, and it means they're less likely to be suprised or surrounded by a herd as they were(and tend to be a lot). I guess this stuff doesn't come as first instinct to uh, I don't seem to have a name for you normal folks tongue.gif

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okay, so to be clear: having Dale watch out from the top of the RV (rick using his scope) to keep an eye on the open road, flanks open with woods (giant blind spots!) on both sides, and dead strewn all along the cars themselves...your strategy is almost 0% different than what Rick did?

actually; wait: Rick stayed alive (mostly, one little girl jumping the gun is good averages!) under protection, and my boondock saint kept the dumbest black guy in the squad alive with some really fast thinking.

you, however, would've stayed in the open and hit a mob " hitting whatever raises it's head with something heavy". this is a genius plan! you've got a bunch of scared women & kids, an old man, a few more generally useless-in-combat dudes and one other competent melee. assuming your goal was to end everyone's suffering together, i'd say you're the best strategerist i've ever seen!

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I would've left everyone with the RV at the beginning of the block, not trying to clear cars or w/e until point had been established at the next break in the block/traffic. Seriously, those fuckers were scattered all over the place what with shane wasting valuable water(a having-my-son shoot you in the woods offence, FYI), old-arse Dale who's vision probably isn't shit on say, Carl's on lookout on the roof of the RV, I get that it's early days for them and they're still stupid, but you and I have spent years playing games like Fallout just to shine in this exact kind of situation at the very least in terms of strategic attacking of groups & hoarding supplies.

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but me, i'dve thought you'd give the "no guns for youse crazy dames" call a standing ovation.



of course, my inner-JZA wants to say that since Lori was not only carrying, but eager to give it away at a hard glance, this means Rick didn't stick to it, but does reinforce the need for said policy


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I've said for the longest time(and praised Allah most high when they finally cottoned in the books)- guns are an incase of emergency only thing. THey require too much maintenance & resources not to mention the noise AND the training that has to go into these things. It's not like any single zombie presents a real threat to a confident combatant, and forget what Dead Island says, a trusty blade or bat will last a lifetime, which based on dickhead plays like we've seen is roughly 3 years. :2T:

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As for the whole bullet attracting walkers logic, yes it makes sense. But if Rick knows this why does he let Boondock Dixon scout ahead on possibly the nosiest chopper known to man?


Also, Nick, you're probably right about Daryl being set up to bite it (Heh. Puns!) but I hope you're wrong. He has the most potential out of all the changes they've made for the series.



haku - Andrea doesn't become a badass overnight; she just lost her sister and i liked the awful scene of her scolding Dale for saving her. she's learning how to clean weapons & wants a gun, give her time! another short season, but im betting someone fucks up & leaves her with a rifle by its end & discovers the best shooter on the team.

Heh. Good point. That scene practically writes itself...



Andrea lies prone atop the RV, peering into the scope of a rifle she has aimed at the treeline int he far distance. Dale lies next to her peering into a pair of binoculars at the same spot along the tree line.


We see they're both looking at six empty soda cans, each about six inches apart, sitting atop a downed tree.Andrea fires the rifle and the metallic "ting" of her bullet hitting the can quickly follows. Andrea pauses briefly then squeezes the trigger four more times in rapid succession. Each bullet finds a home in a separate can.



Should I bother with the last can or save the bullet for a walker?



Well, if that don't dilly my pickle. You better save it. You'll take Rick's spot on point tonight.



Uh-huh. And you wouldn't even give me my own damn gun three weeks ago.


Someone's already called Shane the Lafeyette of the series, right?



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Shane is a saucy, clairvoyant frycook. He is a douche and needs to die. Preferably the way he does in the comics.


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Damn, I didn't think Hershel's farm came into play the way it does in the books but here it is:

Rick and his group encountered this little farm when Carl was shot by Hershel Greene's neighbor, Otis. Otis told Rick that Hershel was a medic in army, and Hershel patched Carl up.
I was with yall thinking it was different too. I got some re-reading to do



From Walking Dead Wiki

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Jay should start a blog "A Misogynist Reviews the Walking Dead." Season 2, Episode 1 review: " Needs more boobs!"

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Yeah, Kirkman has said he only killed Shane in issue 6 because he didn't know when he'd be cancelled


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Recent interviews make it sounds like Shane is here to stay. This should be fun but I pose this to you:


The TV series is moving at a fairly slow rate: Child actors GROW UP. How long can they keep the series going before we stop believing Carl is as young as he is?



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Been wondering that myself. That kid proved his acting chops with me in the new ep so getting another kid to replace him would be a challenge. Personally i would rather have them replace the kids every few seasons instead of the show ending up with a bunch of annoying teens so losing that actor would be for the greater good imo


Side note: Maggie is awesome

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