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Fallout 3


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I'm not sure how many of you played the cult classics Fallout 1 and 2, and if you didn't... do.



so far there's only concept art for F3, but if the graphics come out anything like the art, then I'm all for it


















So yeah, they're releasing the trailer tomorrow, and hopefully there will be some in-game footage.

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W00t! The mythical Fallout 3. It's finally going to be....I hope it keeps to it's roots after all the hand-overs.

Having just downloaded the original Fallout, I can only asume these roots you speak of involve spending ages in a dark cave kicking rats before escaping to the outside to be killed by giant rats. This is all there is to the game, shock ending I know.

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i can only assume youve hardly played into it


not by choice



It should be added that I hate turn based strategy games, actually I'd go as far to say that Final Fantasy and the like aren't even games.


The concept of fallout intrigues me, and I want to see where it goes, but all Fallout wants me to do is die. And what fucking hateful bastard designed the interface.

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It should be added that I hate turn based strategy games, actually I'd go as far to say that Final Fantasy and the like aren't even games.


The concept of fallout intrigues me, and I want to see where it goes, but all Fallout wants me to do is die. And what fucking hateful bastard designed the interface.



For shame.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Fallout series is fucking amazing, I hope that F3 keeps its hard edge, but I'm thinking that the option to become a porn star and junkie while living it up in New Reno might pop it into AO territory. Still, I am psyched, that trailer at least has the FEEL of Fallout, and that is one of the most important things to the game. I cannot wait. It looks amazing.


War, war never changes.

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I would admit that the final fantasy games don't have too much gameplay to them once you're in a fight; but once you have some weapons and some skills, fallout plays much more like a tactical turn based game, where you can determine your character's position, which makes all the difference in the world. I'm sure you wouldn't hesitate to call something like Jagged alliance or X-com a game, however turn based they may be. I guess the most recent example of these types of games would be something like final fantasy tactics or advance wars on the GBA and DS.

Edited by JunkerSeed
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  • 6 months later...

the fallout games are hands down my favorite games of all time, the only thing that confuses me is I saw somewhere that Fallout 3 is coming out on the PS3. I wonder if they're going to keep the platform of the game or go to something more similar to Elder Scrolls. The only way this game will suck is if they make some drastic change like that. I'm hoping for the best though.

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  • 3 months later...

ok, so for years, ive heard praise of the Fallout series; never really had a chance to give it a go, and ive been told by many gamers with good taste that ive seriously missed out. Im thinking of starting with 3.


also, gonna put down $ for the limited edition cause, if you havent seen, its looking to bring some awesome goodies.



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