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"Madam MisSarah"


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Man, I used to have Gumby and Pokey bendy figures. But I got rid of them when I was a teenager. I also used to have a huge tupperware box where I had all my legos. When I was a kid I used to overturn that box all over my rug and just have a field day.


Question: Will I become some stiff working for the man? Or have I already gotten there?

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Man, I used to have Gumby and Pokey bendy figures. But I got rid of them when I was a teenager. I also used to have a huge tupperware box where I had all my legos. When I was a kid I used to overturn that box all over my rug and just have a field day.


Question: Will I become some stiff working for the man? Or have I already gotten there?


i just GOT THE GUMBY FIGURES A YEAR AGO! HAHA im lame.....(and i use dots see!!!!)


you will only become a stiff if you let yourself get stiff! do u feel like your getting stiff? one rule i have, no job will ever mold me someone i dont wanna become!

so ask yourself, who are you becoming? FUNK THE MAN! U GOTTA DO U!

amen i have spoken...

btw ive had about 30jobs so i dont think the man even know what i look like! haha

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Is my enturpentorial venture going to be a success or a misurable failure? Will my spelling skills be my downfall?


if bad spelling is a down fall then im in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!!!!

i think it will be a succsess if you make it a succsess! you have to go into this beliveing you will not fail, dont let doubt and fear make desions in your life!

sometimes you have to take risks in your life, if you never try you'll never know!

if it dosent work out, remeber life always has another path for you, you just have to make it happen!!!!!

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I think you fused the words Entrepreneur and Turpentine together rather nicely. So if it's a turpentine business you're heading into...oh wait...this is for MisSarah to answer.


THERES AN IDEA DANTE! maybe you should go into buisness with JAX since your afaid of the MAN bringing you down!

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:D  I brought two packages of Japanese mayonnaise for Chi-chan becuz it's about 4 bucks a pop here in Miami.  Should I just give her one package instead, and bukkake her with the other one?  And should I have IC take pictures of it and post it on the board?


First of all, Whats the diffrence between regualar mayonaise and japanese mayo?

Second are you gonna eat the mayo then bukkake? or just squirt the mayo in her face?

Third will you save some for IC?

Forth did u get me anything from japan?

Fifth. your a sick bastard!

Sixth! i still like you and want to see pics of this BUKKAKE EVENT!

Seventh! GOOD DAY!

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alright sarah, this is kinda long....


so there's this guy i like. about a month ago, he asked me out to dinner. i said yes but the two times that he called me to go that week i ended up not going because i was feeling weird about my life at that time (i had no job, no direction, no money, i was staying out till 6am and waking up at like 5pm...i was all out of wack) but i really did like him and want to go out with him. about a week later, i started working and getting back into a normal schedule and feeling better about everything and then he called me a couple of times that week but didnt ask me out. so i saw him that friday and we were flirting and stuff, but still no asking. then he went on tour for a week in north carolina but before he went on tour i emailed him asking him if he was still interested in dinner and he said yeah how about tuesday when he got back. he sounded enthusiastic about it so i felt better. but then he came back and i didnt hear from him. i emailed him seeing how he was doing and he said he was busy but that everything was good so i invited him to my party i had last friday. he came to the party but i really didn't get to talk to him b/c i was kind of drunk and not really paying attention to anyone in particular. still no mention of dinner. so i went to this bar that he was playing at on saturday night and he was flirting with me but at this point i just assumed he was a flirt and that he wasn't interested in me. so i really didnt talk to him that night either (plus there were a lot of people around and i'm kind of shy when i like a guy). so i talk to his bassist's wife on sunday b/c she had invited me to a bbq at her house and i asked her if she knew if he was still interested in me. she said she had talked to him that day about it and that he said that he was but that he didn't think i was interested in him and that he has a hard time trying to talk to me b/c my friend is always around me. he also said that i had disappeared for like two weeks (probably when he first started asking me out) so he wasn't sure what was up with that. plus he told her he didn't want a serious relationship right now which is fine, i completely understand. i just want to get to know him better, not marry the guy. so i wrote him an email sunday seeing if he was still interested in getting dinner with me or not and to let me know so that i know whether he still liked me or not. no response. then i called him yesterday and left him a message on his voicemail because i figured i would take the initiative (from the advice my friends at the bbq gave me...apparently guys like getting asked out too) so i asked him if he wanted to get dinner sometime this week or next. no response. so i'm really confused. i know he's busy right now but seriously, how hard is it to just give me a yes or no if he's interested still. i don't want to look like an ass and keep pursuing it if he's not interested but i don't want to let the opportunity pass me by if he is interested. i'm so confused. he's a really nice guy too. so i'm wondering if i should call him again or write him another email. i don't want to appear psycho or anything but i don't want him to think i'm not interested in him too. what do you think i should do?? :D

ps. sorry for the length...as i said in the werewolf thread, i'm not into brevity.


pps. advice from multiple people's perspectives would be much appreciated also...i know this is sarah's thread but i think if a couple of guys (or anyone) would comment too that would be great.

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ok first of all guys are wierd,one minute there all about you the next they could care less, also guys hate rejection,so maybe the fact that you brushed him off the first time is makin him a bit hesitant about pursuing you. i think you made a good effort in letting him know that you are intrested(unless hes really clueless!)

i wouldnt pursue it any further, if he is still intrested he should say something to you, or at least respond.

If his friend said he is still intrested, then he must be...my guess it that hes either really shy or scared. you know him better than me, some guys need a girl to take full control and others need to be the one takin lead.

Use your gut instinct to direct you in wheater you should call him again or not, but shy or not no girl should be too persistant in getting a date! He needs to get some balls and tell you wutz up!!!!!!

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Yeah, it's like MisSarah said. You've put quite a bit of time into this guy. If by now he hasn't woken up or done anything, then I say move on. Though, I know that's A LOT easier said than done, still, he seems not interested enough to do something about it. Either that or he's just too lazy. If he's not putting as much effort into it as you are, then that's not such a good sign.


Relationships are about give and take. It won't always be 50/50, but it should always be not too far off, and overall even out. If it's not that way, then I guarantee you and him both (and you more than him since you're doing all the work) won't be happy.


Sorry, Lindsay, but that's just how I see it. Besides, if I lied and said go for it, you might be happy now, but I care about you, so I wanna see you really happy with whomever you're dating. :D Don't worry, Lindsay. Personally, and please no one take this the wrong way, you're an intelligent, very attractive young woman. I like how you think alot of the time. You're very respectful, thoughtful, and kind. You care alot about people and the world. You have many impressive traits, Lindsay. Just remember this: You're a great person, and a great friend to have. Be patient. The guy who's right for you will come. He will love you, care for you, and treat you as your dignity deserves to be treated. Pray and wait for him. He will be a lucky guy. Know that, and make sure he knows just how lucky he is.


Sorry, MisSarah. Lindsay asked for multiple input, especially from guys so.. :D

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no i appreciate the input benny!

i don think linsey really wants to meet her soul mate right now though. correct me if im worng linsey. but in any case me and benny agree that you shouldnt have to put too much effort into getting to know someone. it should be equal!

i mean do u see this guy as like a potential bf, or just someone you wanna get to know?

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wow, thanks sarah (and guys :D )!! well i think i'm just sending him mixed signals is the problem. when i'm around him i don't really talk to him and then i'll email or call him about dinner. so that may be confusing him. who knows. anyway, yeah i'm not looking for a boyfriend. if that develops then fine but if it doesn't then that's fine too. the only problem right now that i see is that i'm moving to new york kind of with him but not because of him. ok so my friend leo is their bassist. that's how i met this guy i like b/c i played the flute on one of their songs. so leo is married to another friend of mine, diana and diana has a friend, kat. kat and diana asked me if i wanted to move to new york with them (b/c leo and the band are moving there) and live with leo, diana, and kat in a 3-bedroom. i've always wanted to live in new york so i said yes. i was talking to my friend ivan last night and he said that he was under the impression that the band was living with us too. that's kind of freaking me out a little. if i don't end up dating this guy then it's fine but if i do then that's a little awkward. so i'm going to talk to diana and see if everyone is living in one house. although i don't think so because why would diana and kat want to crowd the house more by asking me to go?

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well i think i'm just sending him mixed signals is the problem. when i'm around him i don't really talk to him and then i'll email or call him about dinner. so that may be confusing him.


Lindsay, don't be so hard on yourself. If anything, it's more his fault because you're the one doing all the work. He's the one not responding, so if he misses out then it's his fault. I mean he's either dumb, (which I think he is, because I feel lucky to even have a friend like you) or... um... Nope, that's gotta be it. He's dumb.

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Ok, here's a good question. Nobody take this the wrong way neither, cause I'm still perma-single.


Ok, say a nice guy w/ handsome looks like m'self, well, in the past I tried dating. Now I'm always hearing women complain about how they don't get treated right, how the guy won't go much outta his way to do nice things for her, etc. Yet, when I was trying to date, I'd always end in failure. I think I know an answer to this, but why do nice guys get pushed aside more often?


I think I have a few reasnons, but I'd like to hear your response.

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We are few and far between. When the norm is a guy that treats women as objects instead of treating them right, the women get freaked out when a real man does. I guess they think it's too good to be true, or the nice guy really has hidden intentions but the bad guy is upfront about it. I don't know. I keep hearing that you have to keep women on their toes, keep them guessing, and never let them in on how much you like them. But I'd like to believe that it's all highschool mentality. At this point in our lives (the 20-somethings and up) we should be more adult about our relationships. But unfortunately, I think the games last for as long as we do. Let's see what the women have to say.


:D Sorry I did it again. Go ahead MisSarah...

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Ok, here's a good question. Nobody take this the wrong way neither, cause I'm still perma-single.


Ok, say a nice guy w/ handsome looks like m'self, well, in the past I tried dating. Now I'm always hearing women complain about how they don't get treated right, how the guy won't go much outta his way to do nice things for her, etc. Yet, when I was trying to date, I'd always end in failure. I think I know an answer to this, but why do nice guys get pushed aside more often?


I think I have a few reasnons, but I'd like to hear your response.


I think every girl is differnt most girls say they want a nice guy and most of us do but we also want a man to take charge and not be a push over!

also what kinda girls are you goin after? i think alot of "nice" guys are attracted to the bitches and the "nice" girls want a thug!

i think it comes down to one thing! no one knows what they hell they want, if we knew what we wanted we'd have it right? Dating is all trial and error, we date until we find the right person, and evern when you find the right person you may not even relize it. People carry baggge from life experiences, past relationships and the way they were raised. i dont think a person should ever have to become someone there not to get a girl/guy, but remeber most girls want A MAN! Maybe you've failed becuz your trying to hard to be the guy they never had, just be yourself and one day you'll find a girl who appreciates you for you! i think you need a girl that shares your morals also, and in this world today most girls have lost thier innocence. i know you belive in god as do i and ever since i was a little girl ive prayed for god to send me the right guy, i never wanted to date i just wanted to meet mr. right, right away! Now that im older i relize it dosnet happen that way, but be patient and i think one day you'll meet your miss right!

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