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"Madam MisSarah"


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:D Is she going to hate me when I tell her it's never going to work out?


she might hate u oppai, but you have to tell her how you feel!

one day she'll get over it!

:D you forgot me...


ok ok, my question was a joke...but you still forgot it....


Will I ever stop using...ellipses?...


im subjecting my self to a dumb blonde joke here but what are ellipses?

im subjecting my self to a dumb blonde joke here but what are ellipses?




Quality looking birds love Stitch. What's the fucking score?


translated from pikey.com:

"Attractive young women seem to often have a fondness for scotch (the liqour, not the tape). Why, pray tell, do you believe this is?"


translated from pikey.com:

"Attractive young women seem to often have a fondness for scotch (the liqour, not the tape).  Why, pray tell, do you believe this is?"


you do no ive never been drunk right? nor have i ever tasted scoth!

but uh i do like the tape!!!! why? becuz its holds things together..which really... isnt that a metaphor for life?!




(the three dots we use to denote a pause or an absence of words in a statement, like the ones I used after 'sorry')


So I sometimes...use them...um....a lot...


and I notice I use them in my writings too. :-/


*scratches head* ...i dunno, I can't think back that far...do you have an insatiable hunger for brown cinnamon sugar Pop Tarts too?


MisSarah, why is it that I can't seem to keep my room clean, I mean I have a crapload of clothes, on top of that, everytime I bring my daughter over I end up with more socks and bibs and such. I'm really bad with organizing papers, and for some reason, I'm always writing stuff down at the computer and scattering the papers when I look for something. Also, where can I go to sample your music?


btw my daughter just turned 8-months, so I'll be taking more pictures of her at wal-mart, more love to share, yay!

MisSarah, why is it that I can't seem to keep my room clean, I mean I have a crapload of clothes, on top of that, everytime I bring my daughter over I end up with more socks and bibs and such.  I'm really bad with organizing papers, and for some reason, I'm always writing stuff down at the computer and scattering the papers when I look for something.  Also, where can I go to sample your music?


btw my daughter just turned 8-months, so I'll be taking more pictures of her at wal-mart, more love to share, yay!


well FATHER...i too have the same problems, ever since i was little i could never get orginized! this is a problem i constantly have to work on, i think its becuz im an extremly creative peson(not to say there arent neat creative people) and im quite scatter brained at times. no matter what anyone says, some people are neat freaks and some people are not! that why they make vanilla and chocholate.

is your girl organized? maybe she can balance you out!


as far as my music i think you can hear it in the jukebox section on hear(at the top)


and id love to see pics of your daughter! im havin a girl too....(as u may already know) and feel free to give me advice, this is my first so im a little scared....


I DIDNT FORGET!!!! i came back, isnt that the answer you've been waiting for!!!!!

and the other question u asked was for oppia right?


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