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Da Cap'n

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Damn, Logan. How long have you been on Comixology's payroll? Do you get a cut for every plug or are you on retainer?


Comixology & Graphic.ly can go eat dicks for not giving me Powers. Irrelevant is the fact that Bendis/Icon haven't gotten around to publishing #8 but I can't get mad at them now, can I?

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Oh, did you mean #8 specifically? Wait 2 weeks, you monster.



To clarify, I only get paid per ad click. Hey, did you know there's a safe, easy way to enhance your penis size? Ask me how.


Yes, I had like half a dozen posts in rapid succession mentioning Comixology. Except for Infinite kung-Fu, which you probably won't find cheaper in print for awhile and probably won't find at all at your local piggly wiggly, I'm pretty much exclusively pimping free shit.


I have my complaints about the place, and I've elaborated on them elsewhere. Don't shoot the platform though. These are free, legal, streaming comic books (on PC at least, you have to download if you use the app). There's no logical reason not to dig that.



Edited by Thelogan
"add" and "ad" are two entirely different things...
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So I'm now up to date on Morning Glories. I took a chance on the 1st issue. I'd never heard of it, and it seemed to be about teenager shit, but it got me. I just finished issue 12.


Describing it is kinda rough. It gets a lot of comparisons to Lost, but I never watched Lost, so I dunno. I think that may just be from the general mystery type of story. I still don't really know WTF is going on, but it gives me a lot of material to craft elaborate theories with.


When I say I don't know what's going on, it isn't in that David Lynch or artsy sense. It's not because it's intentionally confusing or anything, I just have absolutely no real idea what the motivations are behind things. You're constantly given new pieces of the puzzle as the world is fleshed out more and more.


I guess I should stop rambling and try to describe the book a bit, although it's hard without spoilers. Basically, it's about a private school that's a front for trying to discover "special" students (or something). Once there, students cannot leave, there is no contact with the outside world whatsoever. The faculty can murder or torture as they see fit and make absolutely no attempt to hide it.


There's also a giant hidden machine of unknown purpose that makes threatening noises, some random mystery guy who leaves tracers when he moves and phases through people and pops their eyes out and shit. I dunno. It's a cool book so far, I just hope the eventual reveal isn't extremely disappointing. that's where skill comes in. I've found most writers don't have the chops to live up to the anticipation they've built and they just pussy out with something lame (Matrix) or they just roll the credits without finishing the story. (Sorry Coen brothers. You're awesome, but that's a coward's way out).


ANYWAY! Yeah, it's about teenagers, but it isn't about Dawson "these problems matter" shit. Interesting mystery, sprinkled occasionally with a bit of the ol' ultraviolence. Something something ancient cult? Something something science experiment? Maybe a little from column A, a little from column B?

Probably not for everyone, but I'm thinking Hakujins or axel might dig it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I read the first issue of Raise the Dead. i figure zombies and Alan Moore's daughter, could be cool!


It's not cool. It's cliche and, during certain moments, downright awful. This is the only thing of hers I've read, and Ms. Leah Moore has left me incredibly unimpressed. It's a little insulting that she's riding daddy's coattails to a job in comics, she clearly doesn't deserve it. It's like reading something a 14 year old wrote.


Sure, Sophie Crumb doesn't deserve her paid-no-dues fame either, but at least she's kinda talented. If this is a typical example of Leah Moore's writing ability, then she's just fucking awful and she needs to get another hobby.


I'm a few issues into American Vampire and enjoying it enough so far to keep getting them. I disapprove of uber-90's Ripclaw/Warblade hands, but I'm willing to overlook it.


I read the first issue Echoes. It was pretty creepy, I'm kinda interested where it goes from here, but I'm not going to rush out and buy the next issue or anything.

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Hey Loggins I never got back to you- my bad. Yeah my beef wasn't with Comixology at all, just with waiting for Powers #8, so since I couldn't vent on the grinder I attacked the monkey. How are you not intimately familiar with my modus operandi?

In hindsight it seems fairly obvious.



I've been sitting on The Unknown for the most part, Benz. I grabbed it when it was first free, cuz I didn't know how long it would last. Read the first dozen pages or so. It did not seem bad.

I guess I'm just waiting for a time when I don't have anything to read, and then there's two entire volumes of that just sitting around.

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I'm currently reading Green Wake (that was the least spoilery blurb I could find).


The comparisons to Silent Hill are pretty obvious. In a nutshell, it's sort of a noir mystery that takes place in an...unusual town that seems to slowly change it's unwilling inhabitants. I get hints of Dagon and Dark City.


Anyway, I like it. Worth checking out if you're into atmospheric, creepy mysteries .

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Grabbed the first issue of Spaceman, partly because it's by Azzarello and Risso (the 100 bullets team), but mostly because IT'S ONLY 99¢ !


It's about a guy, who happens to be a man/ape thing genetically engineered for space flight, living in a fucked up future slum. I found him almost instantly likeable. So far so good, definitely picking up the next issue. Definitely worth a buck (I think the price extends to the printed version as well).

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To anyone that isn't reading Animal Man: Unless the reason is "No monies", I'm going to need you to write a brief, 500 word essay explaining the motivations for your irrational decision.

Have it on my desk by 8. Thanks.


Seriously, it's done as good a job as any of being accessible with absolutely no previous knowledge. It gets you up to speed on the first page, in a single, brilliantly concise magazine interview.


Swamp Thing. Not so accessible, so I won't require justifications. In fact, you would be better served if you read the Alan Moore run first (which you really should have done by now anyway (skip the Veitch written stuff. Looks like Snyder did)) I was perfectly content with the first couple of issues, happy to see my boy back and some novel twists on his origin, but it still seemed like something besides a horror comic, and the Swamp Thing I grew up with and loved is predominantly horror.

As of issue #3, the tone and (I assume) the plot of the first arc are finally set, Snyder is well on his way to capturing that lightning in a bottle. And he's doing it without just doing an Alan Moore impression.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally got around to reading Miracleman. Part because Logan compared me to the guy who goes, "Moby Dick, they made a book outta that?" and partially because it sounded appealing.


So, the jury is in and this went far better than my reading of Watchmen. I found a lot less to pick apart: pretty much issue 16 or Alan Moore's "this is how we fix this world" speech was kinda preachy and laughable but the issue was still really well done so I didn't care. Also whoever plotted out the structure of the speech bubbles should be shot, that shits a mess and I can't tell which rectangles belong to which panels but that's not Moore's fault.


However, this didn't really cause me to shut my mouth on the whole "Moore's been phoning it in the last 10-20 years" idea. In fact, after reading Miracleman I think everything else of his that I've read has been knocked down a peg in comparison. I'll give Watchmen a break seeing as it was kind of a prototype version of this same idea and it stands to reason that it wouldn't be as well fleshed out and V for Vendetta gets an out because it doesn't really compare in any way. But everything else (Mind you I haven't read Tom Strong or the lion's share of Swamp Thing yet) just seems weak compared to the thing I just read (it also doesn't help that I'm starting to notice trends in his work, that's always detrimental)


But I can easily say that Promethea, the latter 3 League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Books (the first two get out of it just for being really entertaining even if they do get a bit more juvenile the farther I get from being 15), and Neonomicon which fits perfectly into the same "I've got this really great idea I'll flesh out more later" group as just about every other Avatar book.


But to keep this positive, Miracleman is a fucking masterpiece even if it isn't worth however many thousands of dollars those used copies are going for on Amazon. Somebody clear up this legal shit so I can buy it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Shit I've been reading lately: all caught up on Secret Avengers, pitched to me solely on the virtue of Ellis' Planetary-esque run but I actually prefered Bru & Epting by a large factor, Read most of the Messiah era Xforce stuff which was also quite neat and am now planning to properly catch up with Peter David's Captain Marvel runs.

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