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The Amazing Spider-Man

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Denis Leary as "Guy who will probably die before the end of the movie" isn't a big enough sell for me. And I'd be excited about Emma Stone if she was a better actress (admittedly Kirsten Dunst wasn't amazing, but still better than Emma Stone)

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Not a word about Raimi's Spiderman Trilogy. Leary was a big sell in that trailer, given what a fan I am of the Stacy family. Even the Welshman doesn't look terrible.


Wait, are you actually boycotting this film because they replaced the team that gave us Spider-Man 3? For real boycotting?

I'll be fair to Raimi and co the first two were top notch (second more so) but 3 was horrendous, I know there was studio involvement, but Jesus how many non Nolan superhero films don't have a strong studio influence? The buck stops at the director and that film deserved a reboot.

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You know what, let me elaborate on that before somebody asks:


Yes, I liked Spider-Man 3. On a board full of people who stand up for shit like X-Men Origins, X3 The Last Stand, any of the Batman movies made before Batman Begins, and fucking Daredevil I didn't find Spider-man 3 to be that bad. It's certainly the worst of the series but it's still better than the first X-Men movie and honestly, I like it better than Batman Begins (Which suffers from a lot of the same bloat.)


Yes, I think this movie is going to suck. I see a lot of attractive stuff in that trailer but I'm getting a Green Lantern vibe from it that all the good stuff is in the trailer. Denis Leary is playing a supporting character, one who is going to die, so I don't see how he's that much of a selling point. The lizard looks like shit, yes he's a pretty faithful version of Ditko's Lizard, but Ditko's Lizard looked like shit too.


Both of those paragraphs are true and do play some part in why I'm against this movie, but neither of them will stop me from seeing it. What stops me from PAYING for it (I will not buy a ticket, I will not rent a DVD, I will not buy a movie-tie-in candy bar or pair of swanky underoos embossed with Andrew Garfield's stupid big haired Welsh face) has nothing to do with the quality of either movie.


Sam Raimi didn't want a lot of what sucked about Spider-Man 3 to even be in Spider-Man 3 but the studio made him put it in. He accepted that, took his licks and was prepared to make up for a weak part 3 with a strong part 4. He was casting actors, he had the script partially done, he was all set to go and the studio did what the did on the previous entry, they give him an ultimatum to add things they wanted. Sam Raimi, not wanting to make a weak movie again said "I make it my way or a I walk." Sony told him to fuck off and then put this monstrosity together in less than 2 months. I support an artist's right to make what they want the way they want it and what Sony did was bullshit. I don't support that kind of action from a studio and I'm honestly surprised that any of you do.


I will be pirating this movie. If by some miracle it turns out to be good then I'll buy it from a resale shop so my money still wont go to Sony. Now if the rights revert to Marvel Studios and they do a reboot, I will support that. But this will get no support from me.

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Denis Leary as "Guy who will probably die before the end of the movie" isn't a big enough sell for me. And I'd be excited about Emma Stone if she was a better actress (admittedly Kirsten Dunst wasn't amazing, but still better than Emma Stone)

What have you not liked Stone in? I thought she was good in Superbad and in Zombieland. I didn't see The Help, and while I heard that movie had a host of issues, her performance was not one of the things I heard about as a problem. I heard Easy A was clever funny '10 Things I Hate About You'-style modern high school take on a classic work of literature.

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She's a good screen presence, she just delivers every line in the exact same tone, she doesn't have range. Maybe that's changed since Zombieland (the last movie I saw her in, I'll be fair and not use her Saturday Night Live performance against her) but I would put her at or slightly below Kirsten Dunst circa 2001 as far as talent goes.

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You know what, let me elaborate on that before somebody asks:


Yes, I liked Spider-Man 3. On a board full of people who stand up for shit like X-Men Origins, X3 The Last Stand, any of the Batman movies made before Batman Begins, and fucking Daredevil I didn't find Spider-man 3 to be that bad.


Batman > "poor movies" > Batman Returns >> Daredevil >>>> X-Men Origins: Wolverine > Batman Forever > Spider-Man 3 > X3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batman and Robin


I like it better than Batman Begins.


I don't think I will ever understand you, it's like, you like a lot of good things and then just go insane every so often when it comes to forming opinions, randomly hating great works for little to no reason and then holding up horrendous shit as the creme de la creme. Still though, we wouldn't have you any other way :D


...stuff about Sony fucking over Raimi


Fair points, (which I already alluded to) I can understand boycotting the film because of this.

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I don't think I will ever understand you, it's like, you like a lot of good things and then just go insane every so often when it comes to forming opinions, randomly hating great works for little to no reason and then holding up horrendous shit as the creme de la creme. Still though, we wouldn't have you any other way :D


I would reply to this but quoting it and then pointing at you and saying "ditto" just works so much better.

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i wanna neg the reilly hate, but there's no accounting for midwestern taste i suppose


1) no one defends wolvy: origins and you know that

2) your rami apologism is crazy. werent maguire & co only signed on for 3 films? yeah he got venom thrown at him, maybe sandman origin redux (killing uncle ben), he still made shit where a proper film could've been, and i honestly don't know how much of the rest of that is heresay. likewise, i dont know how much shit the studio threw at him for 2 but he still made gold. you gotta admit, for a guy with your contrarian stances on shit like Moore, etc you're doing the fanboy thing and putting all the good on sam and none of the bad, and you're doing it because you love b-rated horror..nothing wrong with any of that, as long as you know you're doing it.

3) leary's a goddamn selling point in anything that's not a bill hicks biopic, you take that back


he's so dead but i wonder if they have the balls to take out gwen


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Leary also stole his famous "asshole" bit from a young Louis C.K., who's too nice of a guy to make a stink about it (he was also randomly given several thousand dollars in "guilt money", which I'm sure lessens the sting).

He was like the Led Zeppelin of the early 90's.


But yeah, outside of the album which made him famous he's done some pretty good stuff.

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damn, really? i never knew that about CK...shameless.


I actually just heard him talking about it earlier today. It really was ballsy too.

It goes like this, a fresh faced Louis CK is doing a set and Leary is the host. Afterwards, Leary is like "Hey, assholes doing asshole things. That's good stuff from a new talent. I like that." he points out several parts of the bit to the audience. He's saying it all kinda sarcastic, and sort of taking a jab at CK, but it also meant Leary listened to his set so he's happy.


The next week CK sees Leary doing the same routine. And then made a song. And then got it on fuckin' MTV. CK was just like "Eh, I was done with it anyway." And he actually feels bad for the guy, imagining what his self esteem must be like to do that. He's just too nice.


Like 12 years later he runs into Leary again, who asks what he's up to. CK says how he's trying to get a movie made (he didn't say what it was. Pootie Tang?). Leary cuts him a check for like $5,000 on the spot and goes in as an investor.

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Was he always pro Spider-Man? I know he figured out who Peter was just before he dies, and tells Peter to look after Gwen....

I think they'll kill Gwen but it'll be in the second or maybe third film, they're building to Green Goblin with Oscorp in this one. I think it'll follow Ultimate with Osborn knowing who he is pretty much immediately and 616 with him killing her.

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2) your rami apologism is crazy. werent maguire & co only signed on for 3 films? yeah he got venom thrown at him, maybe sandman origin redux (killing uncle ben), he still made shit where a proper film could've been, and i honestly don't know how much of the rest of that is heresay. likewise, i dont know how much shit the studio threw at him for 2 but he still made gold. you gotta admit, for a guy with your contrarian stances on shit like Moore, etc you're doing the fanboy thing and putting all the good on sam and none of the bad, and you're doing it because you love b-rated horror..nothing wrong with any of that, as long as you know you're doing it.


I'm not going to go bit by bit on why I actually liked most of Spider-Man 3 again. I know it disturbs you all to the core that I can be anything other than violently angry in this movie's presence but I've seen far worse, in fact there's only a handful of comic movies I would rank above it. I've pointed out everyone else's weird fanboy stance where they love other shit that's far worse and hate this like it was just terribly awful rather than had like maybe 5 problems with it (2 of which I'm not even bothered by.) I kinda like Ghost Rider, I kinda liked Daredevil, I like X-Men and Batman Begins despite the fact that they've aged like milk in the back window of a car in July, I like Spider-Man 3 better. The actors (sans Franco and Dunst) turn in good performances, the effects and action scenes are all great, the storyline was great except a couple of beats (Venom was rushed, this was the STUDIO'S FAULT because they demanded for the character to be shoe-horned in and on that note if you hated Emo Spider-Man or anything else with the black suit it's their fault too because it wasn't in his idea for the script, I found Mary Jane's arc in the movie to be incredibly egregious, and Harry just blew ass all over everything though I'm tempted to shoulder most of the blame on Franco for that. The uncle Ben's "real" killer thing didn't phase me, nor emo Spider-Man.) And unlike with Alan Moore I can point to things in the last 10 years that Raimi did that I liked. You're both glossing over the studio-mandated shit but let's see your boy Nolan be forced to toss Robin and Poison Ivy into The Dark Knight Rises and see what kind of masterpiece he would spin then. When people are forced to do things they don't want they typically half-ass those things, hence why Venom was weak. The studio had very little say in parts 1 and 2 and they remain pretty unchanged from their scripts.

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Man, J.D. Salinger hasn't written anything good in the last 50 years. That guy sucks.


I like how when you've decided you like something, you'll give it all kinds of exceptions and breaks. "Well, if you take out half the plot and 3/4ths of the actors, it's actually a really good movie".


Where if you've decided you dislike something you'll be like "There was a rape scene and 3 lines of dialog that offended my sensibilities. It was terrible"

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